Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

they will, its what the people want
shur they were ostracized for opening the place at Christmas ( in hindsight of course by the hero population lead by the shinners)ā€¦ they are in their bollux going to lift this till at least the august bank holiday, semi meaningful summer and the brakes on then again when the kids go back, its what people want


Man up, for fucks sake. Iā€™ve been in the bunker for 12 months. Whatā€™s another 2 or 3 months?

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MicheĆ”l Martin announcing a 9-week extension of level 5 into May via an exclusive Irish Mirror interview that went online at 10pm last night seems to have really riled up lots of people. I base this on a review of Twitter posts and replies to the likes of The Tonight Show. A lot of ā€œIā€™ve supported all the restrictions so far but Iā€™m done nowā€ type comments.

No kids sports for the foreseeable, let alone adult ones. Theyā€™re all out this week playing together anyway but who cares, thereā€™s modelling that says it will make 0.00006 to R and the U.K. variant loves physical exercise.


Anyone who doesnā€™t think they can get through the next 9 weeks, reach out to me, we can do this together guys. Weā€™re nearly there. Donā€™t be the fella who gets shot after the cease fire is called.

The tide is turning and once the court of public opinion changes its tune weā€™ll be quickly move from L5 to lower levels of restrictions. Once the clocks go back at the end of March if restrictions remain thereā€™ll be large scale open defiance. You can already see it beginning as the evenings get longer.

Small bit more patience required, weā€™ve hit the bell of a 5000m race.

Yeā€™ll do nathinā€™

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Nobody is going to stick to the personal ones but the businesses have no choice.

What really makes the irish special is our ability to put up with this shite. Those Dutch, italian, Danish, french, Spanish and Austrian lads engaging in protests, civil disobedience, riots, dining in restaurants would need to take a good hard look at themselves.
Iā€™m at the point of thinking nothing is going to happen until a few politicians, experts and rte staff get a good dose of being public lynched
Ffs even the tans managed a few mass snowball fights.

Right, but theyā€™re all a set of the same dominos.

In other countries they are protesting the government trying to take their civil rights away. Here we are angry they wonā€™t take away even more of them


Weā€™ll get another few threads out of this yet


This is the outrageous thing. You have kids now whove basically missed a whole year of school, hobbies and sports.

The thing with this 9 more weeks nonsense is that its not like everything will be open then. There will be another 4 weeks after that and another 2 or 3 phases from there.

They had set their Easter deadline already, why not see how things are in the lead up to then. Hospital numbers will be low, vaccination should be happening at pace and the UK starting to open up.


A toxic culture exists where the Government are solely responsible for the deaths to people of a virus, this culture ignores what is a controllable and proportionate Government response and what isnā€™t.

Weā€™re in deep doo doo in the future with this continuing. Nobody serious actually thinks that outdoor activities will lead to full hospitals.


I sent out the text, our U12 camogā€™s are going back training 1st week of March.


Some lads on here were all for living with Covid, and supporting the governmentā€™s level 5 lockdown for 23/26 weeks bar the ā€œmeaningful Christmasā€. And passionate zero Covid advocates like myself, TomĆ”s Ryan and Aoife McLysaght were mocked, ridiculed and laughed at. Whoā€™s laughing now you fuckers?

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Thatā€™s a very astute observation, but Iā€™m sure they have a significant proportion of curtain twitches, lockdowmers and touts in other countriesā€¦just not as many.
I suppose it all goes back to @Tassottiā€™s treatise on dublin castle, two lads with sticks and a handful of informers


Public reps desperate for the army to be sent onto the streets by the end of this. This isnā€™t even just your territorial army Gareth type either.

As Orwell himself put it, ā€œif thereā€™s hope it lies with the U12 camogsā€

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