Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Weā€™ll be living with consequences of that for a long time.

Thereā€™ll be lads on tfk in 20 years who wonā€™t have scoring all their clubā€™s points in an underage county final to fall back on when their grammar and spelling let them down.


Easy to understand the Brits ruling the country for 800 years when you think about it.


A touch of the John Delaney type FAI press release from Mickey Martin last night

Iā€™m driving into Dublin 2 playing this. Itā€™s hard to see the road through the tears in my eyes. What have they done to my country.

At least the traffic is light enough so my commute is fairly quick.


Iā€™d say the fact that the Irish Mirror got the exclusive will drive a lot of the sycophants/journalists demented

It is a bit TA Gareth. That Berry lad calls for the Army to be brought onto the streets a few times every year

Martin needed to speak to those who are ignoring the restrictions the most. The Mirror people.

Are you saying he was talking to the man in the mirror asking people to change their ways?


VAT is going back to 23% on Monday week.

Pointless to reduce and now pointless to increase it.

All it causes is confusion and a burden.

Thereā€™ll be little cunts in grey suits on a boner this time next year when some poor cunt in a filling station hasnā€™t updated his spreadsheet and has under declared VAT.

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Leak of a Thursday. Meeting of the following Tuesday.

Is that enough time to gauge public opinion?

The only caveat to the kids missing holidays hobbies sports and activities is that none of us did any of these things as kids either. Sport didnā€™t start till under 12 and we did fuck all else. They are basically living 1980s childhoods.


Fucks sake lads will ye stop giving out, the virus could hear ye and could get angry.

Go and visit yere parents and families. If you get fined donā€™t pay it, no court or politician will be looking to enforce them when this farce is over. Any chance theyā€™d suspend Amazon delivery services for the nine weeks, wouldnā€™t be long bringing cunts from out under the bed.


I wonā€™t be supporting 9 more weeksā€¦ Iā€™ll be putting some restrictions in place to reduce my zen levels to increase anger.

My brother was telling me my nephew, 11, is very bad due to not playing soccer. He was selected as part of a Limerick selection to go to Barcelona for a tournament which is now cancelled and wonā€™t be refixedā€¦ Heā€™s lost a year of playing ball. What ever about us adults giving up our life, itā€™s time kids were given back theirs.


Itā€™s like the way they would sneer at The Sun backing the Tories in England but it was always The Sun wot won it.

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They could easily allow kids training to resume in pods.

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They have smartphones though

They need to do something ffs. From leaving cert to play time to sports and hobbies, enough is enough. Iā€™ll give up my summer if it means kids can get back doing normal things.

Heā€™s done a tour of the tabloids over the last few weeks since appointing that ex Oirish Sun guy Clarkson as his press guru. Must have been The Mirrorā€™s turn last night.

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