Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

That’s exactly what they’re trying to replicate but I think it’s too far gone.

What was our living with COVID strategy again?

Stay under the bed until the HSE get out of the bed and vaccinate us.

The BED Strategy.
Beat Enfectious Disease

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I didn’t hear it but he was on the Limerick 95fm morning show the yesterday also. Seemed a bit of a coup for them. It’s normally cranky auld wans ringing up giving out about the local kids or the council or something.

Beat em down

Actually budget 2021 in October is fucked it went on the assumption that there will be no lockdowns in 2021. We will have 5 months of it at least. I suspect pascal will have to do another in march or April to revise it. Big question is will it pass or bring down this government?

That’s how this government works leak purposal and watch the cesspit of irish twitter react then finalise decisions

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It’s how all politics has gone. Real time polling of a pool of cunts.


Not a peep from opposition. As soon as covid is done they’ll attack FFG for all they got wrong while they stayed quiet at the time.

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Let’s see what the 5% of the population who hate us think. No point consulting the 40% of the population who don’t hate us that much

They are all, government and opposition alike, populist mugwump cunts who don’t have an idea, principle or policy they won’t trade if they think it will get them an extra vote or two.

The thickest band of cunts we have ever had the misfortune to elect and we did it in the middle of a pandemic.



I’m delighted my plight to end popular /career politics is gaining traction.

We need a benevolent dictator like JP McManus more than ever.

Nothing else to do. Leo is running the show.

Sinn Fein have come out of this terribly. They’d a chance to hammer the government over and over again but stayed silent.


Thank god for the vacinnes. Be utterly screwed otherwise


We were tipping along nicely at around 5000 cases a day for the last month but we’ve seen them increasing to 8-9000 this week. Czech and Slovak cases have gone through the roof. The Minister here says we’ll be concerned it the numbers are in the range 10-15000.

They’d have to have an opinion in order to hammer the government


I’m amazed. Taps in need to be finished and it’s been a tap in for the last six months.

Lads are starting to do that weird thing where they decide the parties that didn’t have any power to make decisions would have done a worse job than the arseholes that have been making a balls of it for the last year. The hypothetically disgraceful bastards!