Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

They’re top of the polls for staying quiet…go figure. Shur who’d open their mouth when 60% want restrictions.

RTE are the true enemy. The opposition know the gov control them and the scaremonger narrative. They’d be crushed if they spoke out.


Sinn Féin wanted to follow the public health advice in Q4 2020. That’s on public record. The government instead decided to have a meaningful Christmas and Mick Martin’s red top interview last night has confirmed that it’s now cost us the first 5 months of 2021. It’s past time to overthrow this sham government. A crowd of scumbag bastards. How can anyone accept this? How can anyone turn this around and blame the opposition? I’m so angry right now but I’m sure a check on the vaccine roll out numbers will give me the boost I need.

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9 more weeks of lockdown to go. Fuck sake

Sure the opposition all seem to want even more restrictions.

I’m not sure they did


The smart lads figured this would take two years to run its course. Half way there lads.

They strategically covered all bases, using a range of party members across different interviews.

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Sinn Fein are gas, not in power in the Republic, nothing we can do, in power in the North, nothing we can do.
Calling for zero covid down here, while they’ll be opening it up as fast as they can above.


in Ireland at Christmas people requested more lockdowns, wanted schools shut…think about that for a second


That is some company we are in. The sad reality is that if it were Sinn Fein in power we would be number 1 on that list and the stringency metric would be at 100. They have been at pains to point out that government haven’t gone far enough.

Everyone of them a failed democracy

RIP Ireland.

You know where the airport is.


The government, the opposition, the media…where is the fecking outrage at this? The place gets more crazy every day

They aren’t though…they’ve just been badly exposed by the virus …Previous generations were just as bad but didn’t have pandemic to expose them …instead they just shouted ‘blueshirt’ and the like at each other …


They stood by and let multinationals profit while small businesses faced bankruptcy. A combination of uselessness, hatred of business owners and hypocrisy. They’re no better than feign a gaelafail

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The lockdown will be the biggest mistake in the history of the Irish state

Bookmark it

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There’s two states in Ireland pal… Unless they both had the same policy nothing mattered.

So I see there have been some elderly deaths from the vaccine. Of course the authorities have rightly pointed out that there were other underlying conditions that probably contributed to their deaths, like being old, for example. We know that there will he deaths from vaccines for the fragile but we know overall they are for the greater good of society.

It’s a pity though that we didn’t get the same balance with Covid and the costs of restrictions. 95 year old Padraig, riddled with Alzheimer’s, was robbed of his chance to go to Tokyo because of Covid-19.