Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It’s all fucking shite. They’re massacring people in Eritrea. You thi.k they’re bothered with counting a few flu deaths. Utter bollox, meanwhile that fraud mike ryan is making nice speeches about distributing a vaccine.
He should be air dropped into Ethiopia

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You literally couldn’t make it up.
It’s time lads, take your pikes from your thatches and meet me at the GPO

What was the ‘stringent’ criteria they used?

Fairly extensive

School closures:
0 - No measures
1 - recommend closing
2 - Require closing (only some levels or categories,
eg just high school, or just public schools)
3 - Require closing all levels
No data - blank

Workplace closures:
0 - No measures
1 - recommend closing (or work from home)
2 - require closing (or work from home) for some
sectors or categories of workers
3 - require closing (or work from home) all but essential workplaces (eg grocery stores, doctors)
No data - blank

Cancel public events:
0- No measures
1 - Recommend cancelling
2 - Require cancelling
No data - blank

Restrictions on gatherings:
0 - No restrictions
1 - Restrictions on very large gatherings (the limit is above 1000 people)
2 - Restrictions on gatherings between 100-1000 people
3 - Restrictions on gatherings between 10-100 people
4 - Restrictions on gatherings of less than 10 people
No data - blank

Close public transport:
0 - No measures
1 - Recommend closing (or significantly reduce volume/route/means of transport available)
2 - Require closing (or prohibit most citizens from using it)

Public information campaigns:
0 -No COVID-19 public information campaign
1 - public officials urging caution about COVID-19
2 - coordinated public information campaign (e.g. across traditional and social media)
No data - blank

Stay at home:
0 - No measures
1 - recommend not leaving house
2 - require not leaving house with exceptions for daily exercise, grocery shopping, and ‘essential’ trips
3 - Require not leaving house with minimal exceptions (e.g. allowed to leave only once every few days, or only one person can leave at a time, etc.)
No data - blank

Restrictions on internal movement:
0 - No measures
1 - Recommend movement restriction
2 - Restrict movement

International travel controls:
0 - No measures
1 - Screening
2 - Quarantine arrivals from high-risk regions
3 - Ban on high-risk regions
4 - Total border closure
No data - blank

Testing policy
0 – No testing policy
1 – Only those who both (a) have symptoms AND (b) meet specific criteria (eg key workers, admitted to hospital, came into contact with a known case, returned from overseas)
2 – testing of anyone showing COVID-19 symptoms
3 – open public testing (eg “drive through” testing available to asymptomatic people)
No data

Contract tracing
0 - No contact tracing
1 - Limited contact tracing - not done for all cases
2 - Comprehensive contact tracing - done for all cases
No data

Face coverings
0- No policy
1- Recommended
2- Required in some specified shared/public spaces outside the home with other people present, or some situations when social distancing not possible
3- Required in all shared/public spaces outside the home with other people present or all situations when social distancing not possible
4- Required outside the home at all times regardless of location or presence of other people

Vaccination policy
0 - No availability
1 - Availability for ONE of following: key workers/ clinically vulnerable groups / elderly groups
2 - Availability for TWO of following: key workers/ clinically vulnerable groups / elderly groups
3 - Availability for ALL of following: key workers/ clinically vulnerable groups / elderly groups
4 - Availability for all three plus partial additional availability (select broad groups/ages)
5 - Universal availability

sinn feinn are the greatest lock down supporters of them all.
always remember that throughout history left wing movements claiming a mandate of equality are in fact the most oppressive and controlling of regimes. Sinn Feins political ideology appeals to the so called working class and benifit class who do not have the mental capacity to set direction for any form of economic or social prosperity and whose politics is all about feeling “cheated” and “ripped off” by the so called “rich” who by their definition is someone who works hard, pays a mortgage and is that very tax payer who will fund that benefit culture that cullinane, o broin et al champion.


We should have given Professor McConkey the keys months ago in fairness cc @Bandage


The other side of the coin champion vulture funds and the average person paying 2k a month in rent for a 3 bed house in a housing estates.

We’ve no left and right in this country, just self interest. That extends to the greater public…I’m alright jack.


These living with Covid zealots don’t see the irony of dismissing zero Covid based on their incorrect assertion it would involve complete lockdowns, while they face into 6 months of a living with Covid complete lockdown (bar the meaningful Christmas). These people are headbangers. We need to give a greater platform to the likes of Dr McConkey to lead us out of this absolute catastrophic failure of governance.


Level 5 for 9 (NINE) out of the last 12 months and nothing to show for it. (The other 3 months were quite magical where you could go for 2 pints and some chicken wings for 90 minutes after a day looking at the waves in Doolin).

You couldn’t make it up these headbangers slagging off McConkey/Ryan/Kileen for trying to get us out of this sorry mess.


For the uninitiated… Can you briefly outline the main mantra of living with covid and zero covid. I’m possibly rejoining the fight and weighing up which group best suits my interest.

Ah stop. And then they double down and blame the Social Democrats, John Delaney, Bobby Storey (RIP) and Luke O’Neill. A little bit of introspection and humility would be welcome, but it’s not going to happen at this stage. Headbangers.

No idea, pal. Just passing the working day until I take lunch at 12.30pm.


I’m in.

Them bastards on the other side have fucked us for long enough.

But, but, but we can’t do Zero Covid, yet we can lockdown for 9 out of the last 12 months and achieve the square root of fuck all.

Its absolutely nuts these headbangers designing ‘Living with Covid’ plans are still in charge.

What is living with covid and what is zero covid?

Zero Covid = Lockdown hard for short while/Close borders - Get 80,000 in Croke Park/Pubs/Weddings/Parties/Concerts/Festivals

Living with Covid = Lockdown hard from September - May, maybe get to sit on the rocks in Lahinch for a few Sundays in July every year.

Are they our only choices?

Lockdowns Lockdowns Lockdowns!!!

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Soft cunts.

I was never polled, were you?