Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

10% considered suicide? That’s a mind-blowing number… Is that supposed to represent the whole country? We’ve about 300,000 people currently contemplating suicide?

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I read a post by @peddlerscross earlier and I dont mind saying, I briefly considered it. Then my zen caught me and I got on with my life.

I think those figures above need to be fact checked.

Nothing is fact checked anymore. Lads fire out any auld shite on the internet and its gets spread and taken as gospel by any number of godhelpus’. Its why zen and the leadership of zenful guys like us is more important than ever.

zero covid is the one with no sugar in it :+1:

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You need to ask what the figures would be like if we had no lockdowns.
Without wishing to sound discompassionate the 10% having considered suicide really jumps off the page there as being fierce unlikely

As always somebody will provide stats to support absolutely anything

@Copper_pipe I don’t want to steal your thunder - can you post the vaccine numbers for Tuesday?

The only figure or statistic that should matter is the number of people in hospital.

There has been slavish observance of the junta’s proclamations based on the daily case numbers, the vast majority of whom never get seriously ill.

Of course, the utterly dysfunctional HSE has consistently failed to protect it’s patients and staff and has engaged in “look over there” tactics in concert with NPHET, our so-called government and their mouthpiece in RTE.

For politicians who for years have railed against subversives, their own subversion of our state will be shown as the greatest crime of the 21st century.


The evidence from places like Sweden and Florida suggests the figures would be more or less the same.


That’s disturbing mate, we’re here for you if you want to talk.

Oh for fucks sake, would you stop talking shite.

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Its still too soon

Working class people don’t have the ‘mental capacity’?
Flesh that out a bit as the fella says…

In your own time mate.

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My 95 year old auntie was screaming with pain this morning from a likely displacement of a hip replacement from 40 years ago,

Reluctantly she went to Sligo hospital by ambulance as there was no bother option.

Another elderly lady from the town did the same thing a month ago, got Covid and died.

Crazy times.

1.2 million vacinnations in April Leo said on radio there. I hope his right.

Vaccines numbers can be viewed in the “Vaccine Numbers log thread”

Lads don’t want to hear about Sweden and Florida

…and Denmark, but simple folk will nod along to meehawl etc:

"The researchers found no significant difference in the number of infections before and after the lockdown was intensified, compared to the other group of four. Secondly, the number of infections began to go down a week or more before the lockdown could have been expected to have any effect. Thirdly, the number of infections also began to go down in the four municipalities where no change was enforced.

Mass testing was carried out for several weeks in the seven locked-down municipalities but did not appear to change the infection dynamics. On the other hand, the intensive testing ensured that the vast majority of cases were detected. In fact, two of every three people in these seven municipalities were estimated to have been tested.

The reasons for the decline in infections may include efficient surveillance measures already put in place, along with a high degree of compliance on the part of the citizens. The combination of these factors appears to be at least as effective as a complete lockdown."


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I don’t think we’re on the same page here.