Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

RIP Dr Emer.

Massive service to the country from that family.
Young lad doing the Leaving.

If you don’t understand why she is wrong you won’t understand why I am right.

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Try it.

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We have been in nonsense territory regarding numbers and statistics for a long time.

So I was right to not click play. :+1:

Nuke Gort.

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In her video Bailey claims the PCR test used to identify positive cases of coronavirus in New Zealand is flawed “in that it doesn’t test for the virus, it tests for a piece of genetic material that we don’t know the significance of".

Professor of Biostatistics Dr Thomas Lumley told Newshub Bailey is “wrong”.

“The test looks for genetic sequences that are only found in the COVID virus, and it has a very low false positive rate,” he said in an email to Newshub.


As she explained in the video, no one has properly isolated the RNA of Covid for the PCR test, so the test is bollix.

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So what’s this Brazil variant going to mean for us then?

Smooth fannies.


Bigger arses


Smoother runways

Well then it’s a shame there’s only 3 cases. Thanks, lads.

Big arses

She’s wrong, the virus has been isolated numerous times. She’s quoting a lad who died in the mid 19th century and another lad who claims HIV doesn’t cause AIDS.

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What’s your opinion on PCR tests mate? There does seem to be a considerable amount of debate around them now.

Don’t mind him, he’s after claiming PCR tests cause AIDs.

They are not perfect but they are the best we have by far as they are highly specific and sensitive. There is an issue with them in that they can be “too sensitive” if high amplification settings are used, which is why this setting should be reported with the test result. So for example a positive result at a 20X amplification likely means someone is riddled with Covid, whereas a positive test at X40 could be someone who is asymptomatic or already recovered.


You stupid fucker.

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I’m here for you bud

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