Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Keep zen guys.

The political elite have always had your best interests at heart.

These PCR tests at cycles of 35-45 are just being prudent.

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I read that Japan stop at X13 as anything above that means the person is probably fine and not transmissible. It seems off to me that ā€œcase numbersā€ which is keeping us all locked up in our home are driven by a test that canā€™t tell if someone is sick or transmissible. I suppose it comes back to what you say its the best we have.

Donā€™t. Just donā€™t.

Donā€™t mind that cunt heā€™s like a flag waving on the wind.

Donā€™t think thatā€™s 100% true. Youā€™re small home builder maybe but a lot of subcontractors and main contractors for that matter have put their staff on PUP.


What happened to the 30,000 units promised by the government?

Its a scandal that construction of houses isnt deemed an essential service.

No money coming, tighten the belt going out.

Is anyone developing a simple cost effective saliva based test that could be taken daily?

True, many home builds are less than a handful of lads working and different times all day outside. Wouldnā€™t be within 2m all day.

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Ah ffs harry. The asymptomatic hoax has been well exposed at this stage. Youā€™d be clean mental to be taking a test just so the government can drum up the stats


Yes, but is anyone developing that kind of test?

Yes they are not widely available yet but we have them here now and I believe in the UK.

He can be very hurtful with some of his comments though. Thereā€™s no need for it.

You seem to be a common target for him for some reason.

Do you think vaccines will matter a fuck?

Heā€™s very envious of your E persona.

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Iā€™m not. Canā€™t speak for anyone else

Thatā€™s fine I can take it. If it means he isnā€™t bullying more impressionable posters Iā€™m happy to be his punching bag but I could just do without tonight after a very trying couple of days.

