Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Yes, they are the best shot we have of getting out of this madness.

Thereā€™s a vaccine for madness?

Because youā€™re the hero TFK deserves, but not the one it needs right now, so they hunt you. Because you can take it, because youā€™re not a hero. Youā€™re a silent guardian, a watchful protector, a Dark Knight.

God bless you.

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He seems to have lost the plot a little in the last few days, Iā€™d give him the benefit of the doubt that itā€™s just a phase heā€™s going through.

I am the plot.

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Did a bit of cursory research on the P.1 Brazilian strain of Covid-19. Seems like things arenā€™t too bad in Brazil and their cases are falling and the country is opening up.

Drive on lads, we havenā€™t died a winter yet.


Yet the construction of the new Intel FAB plant in Leixlip with 5000 workers on sight is deemed essential.


They are literally announcing on the news practically daily that they are carrying out Whole Genome Sequencing ofsamples to establish what variants they are.

Whole Genome Sequencing is exactly what it says on the tin, generating every single bit of data about the RNA. I believe this was first carried out for SARS-CoV-2 in about Feb last year with the details shared publicly.

Sheā€™s talking through her hole which is fair enough but itā€™s fairly hilarious youā€™d just assume sheā€™s correct just because sheā€™s in a video on the internet.

Iā€™ve got some magic beans here - youā€™d surely be interested in buying them?


And they can guarantee that this specific fragment of RNA that they match for PCR testing couldnā€™t possibly match any other coronavirus, and this it also matches every single variant that has mutated since?
How many variants of magic beans have you?

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Pretty much, they know the sequences of previous coronavirus so they make the PCR test unique to target genetic code thatā€™s only in Covid. They also then test the tests to make sure they donā€™t pick up ā€œnormalā€ corona viruses or other similar viruses.

Similarly they have to keep an eye on variants to make sure they donā€™t invalidate the test. Different tests use different genetic targets but it needs to be monitored.

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Not very convincing. Sounds like your wan in NZ knows more than your wife.


Do you honestly think all the experienced doctors and well respected scientists are telling us the truth about all the aspects of this virus and arenā€™t trying to just trick us?

Imagine if she lived in a country that actually had Covid.

Well itā€™s science so thereā€™s lots of differing evidence and theories to go around so plenty to argue about.

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@Tierneevin1979 shitting all over @tallback 's puppet master here, and he even liked itā€¦

Too many lads (SLH) believing everything from one side and nothing from the other and vice versa though

Itā€™s very hard to avoid confirmation bias, even on TFK.

I made my confirmation nearly thirty years ago and I still think it was a great day in fairness. Some paisley tie I had on me

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I didnā€™t get one red cent for my confirmation. Iā€™ve done amazingly well to drag myself up by my bootstraps to become the man I am today.