Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Gonna be a long day of it

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the hysteria over the beach gatherings in some quarters was, above all, evidence of how dislocated some pockets of social media users are from the reality of about 15 million people who are still going to work every day. “Low-income families have been working throughout this pandemic, and they are much more likely to live in overcrowded housing,” she said. “If you live in a big house and order everything on Amazon, you might be shocked by those images. But they’re missing the bigger picture.”


Vaccine is working, so is the 9 weeks because the vulnerable won’t be done until then?

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Some “plan”


The virus will know we’re not messing

Its a game changer… until a new variant from papa new guinea turns up with panic

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Mid summer bloody hell

Some clown, what’s his goal, to look like a Super Covid protector after feeling guilty for Christmas?

4 months of lockdown, insanity, I suspect quite sensible people will now start breaking some of these restrictions


Aye. Relax lads. Its nearly over. The platitudes meted out here everyday. The government are just stringing ye along like fools. Once “mid summer” comes and goes we will be staring down another lockdown in October like last year. This year is just a carbon copy of last only with more restrictions.

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If the UK variant is the reason for the caution, MM should come out swinging stating that the decision to open up at Christmas was made before the variant was known and therefore there’s no need for the guilt and self flagellation

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Hes more leaky than leo

He tried that, NPHET were obsessed with being right on hospitality so misrepresented the initial stats on the U.K. variant to say it wasn’t the cause.

They then realised that this slightly undermined their obsession with stopping travel so reverted a couple of weeks later when the thick media had already got their pound flesh on hospitality.


He came out yesterday amidst a public backlash at leaks to mirror where he said lockdown for 9 more weeks and said nothing was set in stone and tried to row back on that. He comes out this morning and goes one more and actually says there will be much more draconian restrictions until end of June. You couldn’t make this up.

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Many businesses in hospitality won’t survive missing half the summers trade given that they are essentially seasonal. Let alone the fact they’ve been closed for most of the past year anyway. The communication from this government is genuinely sociopathic. We’re still 3 and a half months from the beginning of June so I don’t even know why they feel the need to float these half baked ideas so far in advance.


Focusing on arbitrary timelines instead of clearly defined metrics be it hospitalisations, ICU, R number, whatever. Nonsensical


The only thing you can take out of it is dejection and despair. Months here, years there. This is what we are being subjected to. Not an insignificant period of time in anyones life. I’d be surprised if there are not many people waking up to the news this morning seriously contemplating their future in this country.


If the north is open and we are closed people will be seething


This is why it can’t and won’t last


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