Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

An awful difference in tone between here and the UK. The tories may be cunts but they are at least being positive and proactive in wanting to get things up and running there. Our lot seem content to keep everyone under house arrest for the remainder of the year while they roll out vaccines in their own time. If it’s questioned they just blather on about variants. Which most of the existing vaccines already work on.


The UK will be open very soon. They’ll look to ram it home to the EU that they got the jump on the vaccines. Massive PR win for them

I don’t think you understand the political situation in the north. The power sharing executive is comprimised of the 5 main parties. All parties have minisiters, you have Unionism who would cut their nose off to spite their face and after all that the pursestrings are controlled over in Westminister.

The NI power sharing executive is not designed to work.

It is the height of ignorance when free staters bring up this point about governance in the O6.


No we wont, stop being hysterical this is the last of the lockdowns the vaccine is working it’s done.

If that is the best “advice” they can come up then they should just pack it in. Holy fuck, they deserve to be ignored by any sound minded person. Make your own judgements and take your own risks depending on circumstances, hiding under the bed forever isn’t for everyone

FFG have/had to go into coalition with Green Party lettuce munchers and Labour Party beards and have/had the purse strings controlled by the EU/Troika. SF have “power” to vote to inncrease local authority rents in the O6 which they are happy to exercise.

Greens are in as a minority partner.

DUP are the biggest party in the O6.

You are showing your ignorance here.

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I am very close to going for an underground haircut (not one off Grindr - it’s a contact of a contact). This could be my Tiananmen Square moment, guys. This could be me in the kitchen chair having my hair trimmed:


This is all getting a bit ridiculous now. Today FM news just had an appeal for anyone who recently travelled here from Brazil to contact their GP.

We’ve known for weeks about the Brazilian variant and should know everyone who travelled here from Brazil and where they are.

But what did we do? We waved everyone through at the airport and did fuck all about inbound visitors.

Let’s focus instead on people leaving the country and use the Gardai to man checkpoints so we can harass people as they try to go about their daily business like grocery shopping or people going for a walk on the beach.


Brazilians were made visa required. They are not being “waved through” unless they live here already

Ah yeah

The more you preach for zen the less they listen to you.

Do Governments not have records of who flies in and out of the country?

Do they not have records of people who are tested for Covid?

Surely they should be making sure any citizen who has returned from these countries is tested within a few days of arrival?

They listen more to Micheal Martin and George Lee more than a chilled out entertainer like myself

We’re they tested on arrival or made to quarantine?

No. They tested before they left. They are obliged to quarantine, same as everyone else

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Blue Hugh with a wonderful self congratulatory I told you so tweet there @Bandage

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Are the cases in Israel still not really high considering the % of population vaccinated?

They seem to have fallen off by a good bit in the last week or so but their cases per population seem to be at a similar rate to the south at present. They are actually higher.

According to that Ourworldindata website they have administered 82% of vaccines per population so likely they had maybe 15% of population with 2 doses and 50% with one dose?

The transmission rate is still quite high when we are told of the supposed efficacy rates.

I suppose that figure is probably misleading anyway as what matters would be how many people are hospitalised or killed by it.

Pearse taking Eamon Ryan apart here on the radio

the cases are driven by haredim who utterly refuse to self isolate, take vaccine or acknowledge the thing exists.
the wife found some handy bar chart there that shows cases by city and modiim illit and bnei brak the haredim cities are off the scale .
a couple of arab cities like saknin and there is a bedouin city rahat I think in the south also have very high numbers as they like the haredim cities would be poor, people have huge extended families and compliance in general wouldnt be top of their agenda…
I’ll try and get that pareto but yeah its a social issue

I’m not sure in Israel were case numbers ever a thing
its more people dead were the published stats