Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I told you it would be August.

Iā€™ve no problem supporting lockdowns when community transmission bis rampant but letā€™s get real here, most of what weā€™re seeing is hospital and nursing home numbers.

DO we know have many doctors and nurses refused to get the vaccine? Take up of the flu vaccine is usually poor with them.

We donā€™t know what the effect of these variants are going to be. Weā€™ve been locked down since the New Year. The only information we have is the damage it did around Christmas which was horrific.

Refusing the vaccine appears to be remarkably dumb if you are hardcore OIUTF,
The vaccine is not 100% effective, the vulnerable still carry some small risk after vaccination

Cannot understand if everyone over 70 and vulenerable are vacinatted why there still needs to be restrictions.

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They are proposing greater restrictions this summer than last summer when weā€™ll be six months into a vaccine roll out. Itā€™s bonkers.


in fairness
I told you here last June the places where people were dying were nursing homes and hospitals- namely aged and infirm. I think there was a few numbers in a graph or something.

now I apologise if this sounds boring but often in a situation as simple as this the actual facts are.
however hysteria has set such a simple situation out of control and now look where we are

what was it all for??

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Nothing is certain about vaccines yet though. From a government point of view they have to be prudent at this point. If vaccines are rolled out and have a successful result then I am sure things will be looked at. There is so much uncertainty at the moment.

Thatā€™s media misinformation. The vaccines work and would not have been approved unless they do.

Itā€™s hard to see a justification for a more severe lock down than last year when by May all elderly and vulnerable people will be vaccinated.


Fuck it. I know of two lads who are porters in Vincents. Had to check up


They work in clinical trials and while that is a very accurate representation rolling billions of them out across the world with new variants popping up everywhere doesnā€™t guarantee that they work in a current real life setting.

I canā€™t see the HSE releasing that number tbf. I do know of 2 nurses working for the NHS in England who refused it.

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Paddy loves suffering.

Iā€™ve already got the jab bud. I was referring to hospital staff. I read an article stating there was low up take in some hospitals in the USA. I am curious to know are hospital staff here refusing it?

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Ewan, again has the facts

Being OIUTF and anti vaxx is irresponsible and a fucking loon. I imagine the middle of the Venn diagram would be GOD supporterā€™s


Thereā€™s surely Some Lads Here in there too

Even the best health systems have struggled with it. Brazilā€™s problem with Covid is the same as the US and UKā€™s.

Are you on drugs? I called all that out last Aprilā€¦ Youā€™re about a year behind on this thread pal. Pull your socks up.

Hes some bollocks