Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Years of underfunding worldwide tbf. We are suffering because of our basket case of a system run by overpaid middle management that havenā€™t a notion on what work is. Bit to leave Brazil you have to be negative

I knew where you were going,

If youā€™re firmly in the OIUTF camp while refusing the vaccine then you canā€™t be thinking straight, or else you just live/love to be awkward

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Think they likely got sick of throwing money into a bottomless pit. Look at the Childrenā€™s Hospital fiasco. You couldnā€™t trust them to run a bath.

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While Iā€™m still demanding zero covid, Iā€™m making a solemn vow to take a 10 day holiday in Wexford in May whether weā€™re at level 1,5, 50 or 500. This is beyond ridiculous.


Myself and Peter Collins defied the advice last year and took a leisurely break in Gorey (separately).


My mother has seen her granddaughter for 2.5hrs over Christmas and thatā€™s it since early Augustā€¦ Enough is enough.


Just go up north and do whatever you want.

My mother and father called up to us for two hours on the Monday before Christmas. Before that theyā€™d seen the two boys last September and now they wonā€™t see them until at least May. So essentially theyā€™ll have seen their grandkids for 2 hours in person in 8 months. What a catastrophic failure of government.


Who is driving that situation if you donā€™t mind me asking?

Same question for @Bandage

My mother has seen her grand daughter numerous times over the last year and she is away in college. I suppose its how people approach the whole thing.

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Huh? My mother is in Limerick, Iā€™m in Cork.

Yeah I made a preemptive plan B for the North last week in anticipation of the shit show that was last week. Theyll be rolling out a plan on Monday that will have actual dates and less ambiguous bullshit soundbytes like ā€œmid summerā€ that we are hearing here. There seems to be no concrete criteria like cases numbers as much of a misnomer they are or hospitalisations which should be few as we exit the tail-end of what is our typical flu season at end of April. It seems to be a wait and see approach on a wing and a prayer with Micheal Martin saying most of public are up for longer and harder lockdowns.

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My kid is only 18 months, sheā€™s not quite up to a bus eireann journey on her own yet.

And you couldnt drive from Cork to Limerick if you really wanted to?

Itā€™s not an essential journey, no. Are you saying everyone should be selfish and do what they want ?

My question is, is your mother too worried about the virus to welcome you as visitors (i donā€™t mean that to sound cold),
are you worried about your mother so you donā€™t want to compromise her?

or are you sticking to the guidelines?

Iā€™m just wondering, and when you say enough is enough what does that mean, are you planning a visit sometime?

Donā€™t take me up wrong, just asking

Youā€™ve been assimilated, kid.

Well pre christmas shouldnt have been a problem. Thats why i am surprised people are crying about not seeing their grand children. My parents have seen their grand children quite regularly over the last year.

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Why would anyone under 40 want to get the vaccine other than to be able to travel and frequent events if they introduce a vaccine passport?

Under no way would I get the vaccine if there were not repercussions in not getting it. Covid is of very little threat to people of my demograph.

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Sticking to the guidelines. More so the better half than me if Iā€™m honest but itā€™s not like Iā€™m shooting 20 mins up the road either ā€¦ my mother would certainly discourage it also, you know what the older generation are like.

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