Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

If a decent percentage of people refused the vaccine we’d be stuck where we are indefinitely, it’s not really about what you want.
The vaccine is not 100% effective, you’re cutting off your nose to spite your face.

The only check point is in newtwopothouse meet them every week. Where ya off to, limerick to see my mother, where ya coming from place-name in cark. Go on. Thanks garda


And if everyone had the same attitude of just doing as they pleased it would lead to more numbers and the bastards locking down for longer. That’s the sad truth of Herr Holohans reign.

Why would we?

It doesn’t stop people contracting the virus and transmitting, all it does it reduce the severity of illness.

If you’re under 40 there is about a 1 in 10,000 chance of the virus killing you if you contract it. It’s like the flu jab, important for the ill and elderly but not really of much use to the rest of the general population.


I think it might be time to treat this lockdown the way Catholics in Ireland treat their faith, pick and choose the bits that suit you.

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A once-a-month visit or whatever is hardly just doing as you please, the middle ground is hard to define tho

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If you’re careful I don’t see any reason not to visit your family. We have stayed many nights back home with the parents. I’m not sure what way we’d be in we didn’t have that outlet. The parents wouldn’t have it any other way either.

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In a similar position here to the lads. Haven’t seen the mother since Stephen’s Day morning. The father had a job done in the Mater early January so I saw him then as I had to drive him halfway down. The little one is looking at her grandparents through screens. My parents were going to come up this time round and fuck the restrictions, but I think they’re a little tense until my auld lad is out of the woods. They don’t want us travelling either with the threat of fines etc. (tbh, if I could prepay €100 and zip down home for a few days, I’d have no bother doing it.). I suppose they want to play it by the book, which is the way many their age would be.

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People are ANRGY.

They are. This will be done in a few short weeks. They’ve had enough

If you follow that logic there’s really no possibility of ever seeing your parents, at least during the winter. There’ll always be something infectious going around


What was the ‘horrific’ damage at Christmas? Give us some numbers/context there, anything really?

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1,000 people died in January.

And that was with a lockdown pretty much from Stephen’s Day.


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1,000 people died of Covid in January?

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Proof that Lockdowns don’t work.

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I see lads who have made a decision not to take the vaccine are now called anti vaxxers.
I suppose one’s age and health status, the effectiveness of the vaccine on transmission, the fact that it’s still a new and experimental treatment which has had licences withheld in a number of countries, associated deaths and side effects, problems with previous vaccines etc shouldn’t be heeded. You’re either one of the good people or you ain’t

Have there been problems with vaccines in our lifetime? As in more problematic than the thing they’re vaccinating against?

There’s never been an mRNA vaccine in history. They look class so far though. Could be a game changer for all sorts of shit.

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