Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Who uses an ATM these days :man_shrugging:

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Old people whoā€™ve been vaccinated. I only need cash for rural pubs which obviously isnā€™t an issue now.

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Some steam rising off @anon98850436 there.

This lockdownā€™s taking itā€™s toll on kev

The fucking auld ones that we are locked into the house for


AirPods donā€™t come cheap. Arenā€™t gyms closed?

Moved the outdoor small slide indoors during a wet day during the week. Gamechanger. Iā€™m downstairs eating my breakfast while the little wan hasnā€™t stirred since 8pm.

I presume heā€™s a gym owner. And he could have bought the AirPods before the pandemic or they could be knock offs.

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy - is that former footballer Gary Dempsey? EDIT: I see it is.

Theyā€™re a bit small for it unfortunately - circa 26 weeks and 138 weeks respectively. We might have to invest in dry robes and wetsuits if this is going to continue though.


They have done so well organising the pandemic response and Brexit what could possibly go wrong

Thereā€™s a definite shift in the mood, as the evenings get longer and a lot of people have a few quid back in the bank account, people are becoming restless.

The HoldFirm nonsense isnā€™t going to wash this time around. Michael Martin messaging has been a disaster. All he has done is use the stick without the carrot.

Every announcement has focused on how much longer things will be shut for, instead of focusing on what is going to reopen. There was zero logic in coming this week and saying things would be shut until May, a week after saying things would be shut until Easter.

He should have been saying our focus now is to get children back to school, getting them playing sports and reopening construction and personal services, we canā€™t give concrete dates but we are working hard to get these things open. Our vaccination program is scaling up massively in line with increased supply and this will allow us to get the economy moving again.

The end result might be the same but the message completely different.


There are no direct flights to Ireland from Brazil.

A five paragraph post from myself = seething


Did Larry fly them in on his private jet?

Look at the messaging from one of Borisā€™ advisors. That lad would be ostracised from our scientific community

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Anyone that travelled from Brazil came indirectly, I was making the point to the post I replied to that we have no way of knowing anyone came from Brazil.

Agree, the messaging is all wrong. I think as the zero covid crowd gained prominence the government adjusted messaging back to assuage them. They introduced the ā€œcautious and conservativeā€ catchphrase to placate them.

The country is being run by PR consultants. Literally.

When the department of education fucked up with the LC last year their first act was to hire a PR firm rather than actually deal with the issue.

We have Varadkarā€™s advisors having him doing power points and posting a picture of breakfast which is all grand but the motives are all wrong.

Thatā€™s what works with the people though I suppose.

The majority of people. Who are idiots. Thankfully tfk is not populated with normal people.


Itā€™s over lads. There isnā€™t a chance people will stay in until June especially as the weather gets better and kids go back to school. Itā€™ll be carnage when the pubs, hotels and hairdressers open up in the 6 counties.

The government are all over the place which makes things worse. Mehole coming out with an announcement to a newspaper late on a Thursday just so Varadkar couldnā€™t get in beforehand? Then Varadkar saying he didnā€™t say it and it wasnā€™t agreed and the decision isnā€™t til next week. Itā€™s all a mess.

@TreatyStones is the cold weather gone for good. The last few years have seen a week or so of cold weather in March.