Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You could argue the PR stuff is working because the majority of the country are content to hide under the bed indefinitely, and the fingers are being pointed at red herrings like Lanzarote holidaymakers and not transmission in nursing homes and hospitals.

Yes, I know we don’t have direct flights but I also know we were viewed as a handy loophole for getting around restrictions which were being enforced elsewhere. Can’t fly into the UK from Portugal sure fly into Dublin instead then go to the UK from there. Simple.

It seems judging by reports this morning that NPHET want lockdown until waiting list numbers fall. Jesus Wept.

Just remember

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Full Text

Nphet has told the government to keep the present level of lockdown until hospitals begin to reduce their record waiting lists and day care centres can reopen for older people and those with disabilities.

Dashing hopes of a reopening of construction next month, Nphet has also advised that healthcare, childcare and a gradual return to the classroom should be prioritised as Covid-19 infection levels remain “unacceptably high”.

In a letter to the government, Dr Ronan Glynn, the deputy chief medical officer, wrote: “It is critical that non-Covid health and social care services are resumed as quickly as possible subject to national risk assessments . . . this will require that all other restrictions remain in place while these services recommence.”

His advice is understood to cover at least up to Easter, on April 4, and possibly until the end of April, when restrictions would be reviewed again.

The government is planning to begin the phased reopening of schools by allowing junior and senior infants to return to their classrooms in the first week of March. Leaving Cert students will return at the same time. The effects of this on the spread of Covid-19 in the community will be monitored for two weeks. If there is increased transmission, the government would be advised to close schools again. If not, first- and second-class children would go back to school. This will be followed by another two-week monitoring period.

Government sources said ministers were left shaken after a briefing from Nphet last Thursday, when they were told a number of key Covid-19 indicators had begun to rise again. One is the mobility graph, with increased traffic on the roads and ATM usage.

The number of close contacts per infected person has gone up from 2.1 to 2.4. The R (reproductive) number, which was at between 0.5 and 0.8 on February 4, had risen to 0.65-0.85. The incidence of infection among 18- to 24-year-olds had also gone up.

The indicators raised fears that the number of new cases would not fall to between 200 and 400 a day by March 1, and to 100-300 by March 15, as forecast by Nphet a week earlier.

Yesterday a further 26 deaths from Covid-19 were announced and the number of new confirmed cases was 988, up from 763 on Friday and 901 on Thursday.

There are 843,336 people waiting for hospital treatment or to be seen at a clinic, including 622,963 waiting for an appointment at an outpatient clinic — up 70,000 on January 2020. The waiting list rose by 16,000 last month alone.

Micheál Martin drew a sharp reaction from the hospitality sector yesterday, when he said he did not foresee pubs and restaurants being open again “before midsummer”. The taoiseach said new variants of the coronavirus were of most concern, and therefore reopening would be very slow.

“What the public health authorities are saying is that we stick with this until end of April, then we reflect on the situation and make decisions about the months ahead,” he told Raidio na Gaeltachta.

Three people detected with the P.1 Brazilian variant of the disease are understood to be part of a single cluster and have been adhering to strict quarantine procedures, possibly in a hotel, “from the moment of their arrival”.

The HSE pointed out that passengers arriving into Ireland are required to provide evidence of a test within the previous 72 hours. Where a traveller has been in South Africa or Brazil in the 14 days prior to arrival, they must self-quarantine for 14 days and be tested on day five.

Adrian Cummins, chief executive of the Restaurants Association of Ireland, said the taoiseach’s comments put restaurants and hospitality businesses closer to ruin. “The government now needs to set out clearly what percentage of the population will be required to be vaccinated to fully reopen all hospitality businesses,” he said.

Catherine Martin, the tourism minister, has asked colleagues to consider a review of the Stay and Spend tax incentive scheme, which was designed to boost tourism off-season last autumn but fell far short of its target because of the second lockdown. A tourism recovery group has called for the scheme to be extended until the end of the year, and the 9 per cent VAT rate to be extended to 2025.

Hes obviously a conspiracy theorist

I see the Indians have come up with a solution to address the lack of cheering, atmosphere etc at empty grounds. They’re going to use people to recreate the noise…instead of loudspeakers etc.
Could catch on


How are NPHET going to square the circle of deliberating inflating fear over Covid but then trying to encourage people to go back to hospitals without jeopardising the Worry Index’s integrity?


Only people who can walk to hospital and don’t need to visit an ATM should go or otherwise the mobility index will increase.

We’ve had record hospital waiting lists for as long as I can remember. Can’t see those being cleared anytime soon.

Very low tech.

It’ll never catch on

I’ll be going to the atm for the first time in months later, buying gym equipment off done deal. Neither would be necessary if gyms were open. I fell very unsafe



Their only option is to shoot themselves in the face

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Taoiseach Lockdown fatigue is setting in and people are starting to slip. I think the only course of action is to tell people that lockdowns will be going on for another three months with no respite.

That’s why we pay you the big bucks lads


1st and second class kids could revolt yet if this keeps up. The news is changing every day about whether they are in or out on Monday week.

Got a picture from a friend earlier having a beer at his brother house. Other friends are meeting outdoors later for a run.

The good weather today has ended the lockdown. It’s done.


Does anyone think they can’t or shouldn’t do this? It should be encouraged surely. Outdoors is fine, especially moving.


The messaging is that the lowest age groups go back first then:

“The effects of this on the spread of Covid-19 in the community will be monitored for two weeks. If there is increased transmission, the government would be advised to close schools again”

So they could be closed before the older ages even go back :grinning: