Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Of course it should.
It would be a quick win for the Taoiseach, to announce people can meet outdoors for exercise.

Que chump and Leo going g for a run together in phoenix Park. I can see the papers creaming at the thought of it :sweat_drops::sweat_drops:

I’m not kidding here, it seems to me that the only people slavishly following the guidelines are the TFK hardcore OIUTFs

Most people have a sensible approach to this, the Gardai aren’t going to lock you up or impose a 1000e fine unless you absolutely act the bollocks, just get on with it, meet your pals outside, visit your parents if they want to see you, just be sensible



HSE can’t run the health system. They are now being trusted to run the country and dictate what should or should not open to allow them to avoid scrutiny.



The dryrobers meeting for coffee on the beach have fucked it for everyone.

cant get away with that for a 7 year old tho.
2 over for a sleepover last night
3 of them were awake till after 1 30am

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Once schools reopen we will back to normal life but with retail and hospitality closed. Seems absolutely ridiculous in a capitalist system but that’s what it will be.

They can’t wait for things to go back to normal so they can post 24/7 on the internet again.

NPHET will be recommending lockdowns for years if waiting lists are the new goal.

This is beyond farcical.


We were out in the playground this morning (for a change) and I very much got that sense too. Dublin 6 was abuzz with people catching up. We have a decent spell of weather coming up - reasonably dry and mild - this lockdown is done and no amount of asking us to “redouble our efforts” is going to change that.

We’ve got a play date in the afternoon. #timesup

Jesus man
I know you were sold a pup and wanted the whole place locked down in December but people have been at this continually.
I did a rorys stories style 5k for the so called “headspace” in a demented gale of wind yesterday and there were pairs of ould wans walking and obviously groups.

even a couple of lunatics on here have been depriving children of mixing, this is insane, even tony and Glynner said the reason why schools were closing was to prevent mass movement of folk x2 daily, not to keep kids apart…
paddy actually makes his own rules, however hard it is he’ll make it worse for himself

I got the 5k done in 23, I hated every bit of it and it put me in bad mood, rorys stories is a cunt

glynner is a softer touch than tony tho, in October before tony came back leo had glynner appearing on kids TV shows and was opening the place up, tony came back then,kicked in the door and glynner wasn’t seen in public for months…

now, I dont know when tony will be back and I wish him and his family well in this awfully sad time for them, but nephet without tony at the helm are a slightly more blunt instrument

Tuesday is actually going to be horrible this week. High winds and rain.

Moving the goalposts to hospital waiting lists has fuck all to do with preventing the spread of Covid.

The junta will continue to invent reasons to attempt to establish a state compliant with their fantasies and our government will continue to meekly facilitate them.


They just need to pull on the green jersey

True. Green is calming. Could solve it all.

think of all the imaginary lives that were saved tho ?

what a disgusting country

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