Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Lads need to toughen up.

I’m a man of peace.
But …

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At what point would it be reasonable to consider car bombs, snipers, tractor convoys etc?

I’ll be ignoring that advice on the basis that the vulnerable are vaccinated.

I’ll be encouraging any other boring conservative fucks to do the same.

You know how this will go, there will be no acknowledgement that there were costs to lockdowns. The claim will be that “we didn’t do lockdown right”. Critical analysis of negative policy outcomes from one section always demands more from the State.

The replies to that are interesting. 90% giving out about being dictated to be an unelected junta. 10% giving out because he’s not going for Zero Covid.



My sister told me that half the new mothers in the country are seeking counselling according to the counselor in UHL.

Beatings will continue until morale improves

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It’s an awful pity all those places that had no lockdowns have been annihilated otherwise we’d have some alternative

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FFS :smile:

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Didn’t intend that as a joke

thats not funny tbh
there are some families where there worst place for women and kids is to be is at home .
women can go bonkers after having kids and if they don’t have some form of support structure messed up shit can happen.
id imagine the situations @Batigol are referring to are the lower echelons of the socio economic ladder as well
thats very sad

Are you the same fella that has no store in anecdotal evidence?
“My sister said that someone in one place said something about the whole country”


I think Mick is heavily medicated these days.

McConkey on the radio saying there is emerging evidence that current vaccines are not effective on the Brazilian variant,

I haven’t heard it said so definite before.

That’s what I feared a while back, they know well. We’ll be locked down for another year at least.

What have Phil’s previous predictions been like?

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