Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

There’s no other explanation … Summer 2021 a write off now.

I shared that by prefacing it as second hand news rather than just announcing it as a fact.


100% understood

I am respectful of all opinions.
but spare me the nonsense that boarding the place up indefinitely to protect a couple of geriatrics who let’s face it would probably succumb to a half decent winter flu is the preferable option over punitive restrictions that impact all of society who have 0 to gain.

@Batigols point tho is interesting and the quantifiable impact of this however probably will be seen and documented in the future…and will be wholly depressing i am afraid


Unverified tosh about some lady’s third cousin up in Longford that had an awful dose of the Covid should be discarded immediately

@Batigol’s garden fence take from his sister who talked to a lady in one hospital that just happened to have the ante-natal patient counselling referral figures for the entire country to hand …

is interesting and it’s quantifiable impact is something to study


I’ve been down in St Anne’s park twice today. Morning for coffee and playground and early afternoon for run. The whole place is thronged and there are big, mixed groups together. In line with earlier posts today, I also think people are broadly done with this lockdown.

How much thought would martin or sam give to their announcements about new variants?
Fuck all is the answer. They’ve been pulling this stroke since Christmas. It’s time they were subjected to a bating


Can confirm on the southside that the mobility data today will be “chilling”.


2022 only a year away

Its alright lads. Just another 365 days to flatten the curve

Reckless spate of ATM withdrawals?

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Even worse. People driving their cars to the ATM

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I really don’t think the government will go along with that, but now is not the time to push back.

If you look at the replies to Michael Lehane’s interview with Philip Nolan, Joe Public have had enough. The Government PR advisors who comb through Twitter will have noted that and Leo will be out in the next few days with a contradictory statement dialling back the lockdown rhetoric

Those ATM bastards have sunk us


I’m shook just thinking about it

I know fellas are sore they were sold a pup on covid. you I believe were one of the poor crathurs who felt death was imminent if I rightly recall and cheerlead this hysteria from the off

the wrong approach has been followed , even @Thomas_Brady an ardent pull down the shutters man can see that now and has aligned himself with what I have been saying since last summer.

Look you’re a nice fella, a reasonable poster but you have no originality and ideas of your own at times I feel and look thats OK you are entitled to speak no matter how recycled the content is.

for folk under 83 ( ill use median age of death but look take 77 to be reasonable) can you name any benefit these restrictions have had on their lives? any now and please be serious?..I get it , this may be hard for you…but see it out…

@Batigols point no matter how it was peddled deserves discussion and the disgusting , arrogant way you dismissed it was not pleasant.
thats all really


Ah go again there :grin:

You have terrible trouble identifying any actual posts in this regard


Micilín, a chara…
I was never a lock down advocate, I was the original OIUTF man if anything… I’ve preached zen during lockdown only…You are extremely wound up and need to relax.

Take a few days away from the internet to gather your thoughts.


He’s all over the shop.