Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Itā€™s disappointing when one of the forumā€™s top science + data men goes down the road of hearsay and old wives tales. Then to lash out at your good self is only compounding the misstep


Great thing about RNA vaccines from my limited knowledge is it is adaptable, as it spike a protein reaction for the antibodies to attack the virus. My understanding is doesnā€™t matter the variant itll still cause an antibody react to attack the foreign body. Based on this the vaccine should still work. Iā€™m calling bullshit on mcdonkey but then again heā€™s got a load of letters after his name and Iā€™m a random fella on the Internet

Iā€™m just back from visiting my folks. I hadnā€™t been over for a few weeks.

Iā€™m badly shaken by what I saw - crowds of people out walking and queuing for take away coffees.


I was paying him a compliment

Here I go once again with my suitcase in my hand
And Iā€™m running away down river roooooad

Bastards just want people to die

The canal and Merrion square were rammed with people out enjoying the fresh air and sunshine. A lot of them were even smiling. It was chilling.




Closing the parks now. @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy will be happy that the cagers have to stay at home

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I was only thinking in Merrion Square earlier will the insanity extend to closing down all of the parks and squares soon :grin:

Theyā€™ll close the beaches soon despite the data from UK showing effectively no transmission outside.

I donā€™t know what itā€™s like in Dublin, Iā€™ve been in Limerick all along

People in Limerick have been out and about all along, meeting up with other families outdoors, kids mixing outdoors
Mungret park was/is thronged today, it has been every dry day, Mary I grounds which I live by are a community hub, everybody is out,

Live the best life you can, donā€™t waste it worrying about imaginary punishments,
Weā€™re nearly there, for the most part we are the lucky ones


How are we nearly there pal?

Are you suggesting that going to your local park is livingā€¦this thing is going to run until the middle of 2022 in my view at least.

How are we lucky exactly?

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The only way out of this now is to go nuclearā€¦ Switch the tables on the Nphet zealots. Give them what they want, shut everything down for 6 weeksā€¦donā€™t even let a fanny open upā€¦ And at the end of that time, when covid still exists, which it still will, we get to blame them for failing in the same way they blame the public when numbers go up. We can then win our freedom back and put nphet back in their box. Unless we actually give them the platform to fail theyā€™ll retain full control of this madness.

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welcome to last June

So youā€™re advocating a full level 6 lockdown for 6 weeks?

havenā€™t we be doing that on off continually since last March?
why go again for another 6 weeks when you have one years worth of data to give you the answer?..

are we aligned here?
the saviing lives thing was and is an absolute cod, if its gonna nail ya, its going to nail yaā€¦but its not a problem, never was and never will be for 99.999 or whatever you are having % of folk

open it up for gods sake

look the lads in the hospitals had a few busy shifts we get it guys, happens to all of us.
move on, you still got fucking paid

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