Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Word on Meat Factory infections very scarce.

But what I’m saying here Mick is give nphet what they want… An extreme lockdown for six weeks. Give them every last thing they want and when they inevitably fail, that wiil be the end of them. The middle of the roaders will come out from under the blanket, the politicians biting their tongue will speak up…the press will turn on them.

To date, we’ve half done what nphet want and they keep pointing to it saying but, but, but…

Give them no more buts.

Choke them with their own stupidity.


Summer will much relaxed and by autumn it’s 90% over, we’re nearly there pal.

2 more years isn’t nearly there.

All jokes aside lads, daily death figures are still very high.

High compared to what and when?

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When nobody used to die. And not every death in the country was headline news each evening.

The reporting of deaths is high and that’s about it

We just need to redouble our efforts.

That’s the spirit.

We must have just missed each other mate. I can confirm the council have closed the parking lots in the park now and are letting no one else in due to complaints. As we were leaving the place had fairly emptied out but still they weren’t letting anyone in. I wish this was a joke.

It was crazy busy in fairness, cars circling for spots at certain times. I left around 4 and noticed that alright, but i didn’t pay much attention.
Mungret has been busy any day i’ve been out there
It’s a Sunday, they’ll be open as usual in the morning

First, second or however many previous lockdowns there has been.

It’s a catch 22 lads and sadly ye are now stuck in it. Hospitals in Ireland are riddled with Covid, if you wanted to get Covid go to a hospital and walk around the corridors. Everyone knows this and won’t go to a hospital, even if they are sick or even have an appointment for treatment. A lot of people will die prematurely because of this.

The government is trying to encourage people to go to the hospital where there is a 99.9999% chance of getting Covid while simultaneously telling them they can’t go outside where there is a 0.000001% chance of getting Covid.

Tis mad Ted.


I agree with you

We can do it if we all work together.

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Uk originally planned to have offered vaccination to everyone by September. They now look likely to have achieved this target by July 31st. All the fearmongering around Brexit and yet the first big test and they crush the EU.

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2 shots?


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