Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

They’re not going to ease restrictions though mate given that are they?

Blow it up ta fuck

It was incredibly stupid to expect the EU to manage this. Each country should have procured their own supply, just like all normal countries have. Look at Israel, only 10 million people and literally done in February and Ireland are talking about July and it will probably be December.

It’s done

They’ve the vaccine passports in Israel now. I don’t like where we are going if its going to be a two tiered society between those vaccinated and not.

The lepers need to be tagged.

Social apartheid was ruled out last year when it was suggested vulnerable people cocoon.

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Do you remember when the auld QR code schtick was just a conspiracy :frowning_face:


sister in law refused entry to a gym there as she didn’t have the vaccine app on her phone in Jerusalem so no proof
this is where we are headed now lads


Will be the same here very shortly. Question is where does this leave people in terms of choice. Will the booster next autumn thats rumoured to be on the way be included in this etc?

This is a shocking infringement on people. You either take the vaccines or you stay at home forever.

They could draw a star on them


Lockdown is over lads,I was in Curraghchase for a few hours there and it was packed.The Guards came in and done a circle of the car park and even got out and made it look like they were gonna make a move but nobody batted an eyelid so the drove off again.Limerick has had enough.OIUTF.


its the separation between religious and secular that they want…
it will ultimately continue to deepen the social unrest that already exists between the two parts of the population

First people will rise up against the lockdowns …then they will rise up against the rich.


Even if these vaccines are the silver bullet to ever lasting life :grin:- people should have a choice and should not be cast aside for being cautious surely.

I don’t know - whatever happened to people being told take vitamins, exercise, eat well and look after their immune systems rather than have mandatory jabs for every respitory disease thats going to come up going forward.

The truth is no one knows if there will be long term side effects to mRNA…and Pzizer, Moderna and Oxford AstraZenca are indemnified if there are problems.

I don’t think the ‘snowflake generation’ would tolerate anything that could be interpreted as ‘fat shaming’.

I’m not sure what the point of publishing figures on Sundays and maybe Mondays is, they’re always way off the other days and have been since this started. Last Monday RTE made a big deal of the zero deaths figure for the day only for us to be back up to 33 deaths in Tuesday.

Operation transformation is still going isnt it?

I do get your point though.