Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Maybe the government could take a day off from pointless testing and use the 5 million to rig up some sort of uv light/ ac system…since they seem to be huffing re ivermectin

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Fucks sake

They’ll just move the goalposts kid

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Shur, I exposed half the forum yesterday who openly admitted that they were visiting people and not only breaking the 5k but were going to other counties. No wonder we’re being walked into another 9 weeks of it, people just won’t abide by the restrictions and then start giving out when the country goes into further lockdown.

The Tories will have Boris’ head if they don’t open up.

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Any spike in numbers following the super bowl?

Is it not very very odd that an unelected Public Servant tells the Irish media how we will live our summer and they’re running it as that’s the way it’s going to be.


I hope you’re right.

Certainly there is no way our politicans have the balls to take on the medical junta.

They maybe forced into it once everyone else does.

That’s why we have to allow nphet fail.

Nphet will always have 6 months of the year where we have an upsurge in respitory illness and deaths.

So called variants then etc. Hard to see an end to it.

We are lucky though according to @backinatracksuit

A perpetual rolling lockdown to avoid a lockdown.


Thats honestly how I see it going forward.

To counter @Thomas_Brady post on letting nphet fail.

I don’t see how we can. They control the numbers, they control the government and we have no critical thinking in the print or national media.

Vaccines won’t stop people dying especially next autumn/winter- its part of life.

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The people will have new prophets by then

Climate change zealots I suppose.

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Being honest, I don’t mind really… When things start to annoy me I log in here and see lads in a spin or see @BruidheanChaorthainn giving out about his mental health and that gives me a right pep in my step and I’m in a good place again.

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Yeah thats it exactly. My uncle was admitted to Tallaght hospital and had to have emergency surgery on a twisted bowel. Serious enough condition. He is a 65 year old reformed alcoholic who drank solidly for 40 years. But he went to Buree and got his life sorted and set up his own landscaping business. His Liver is shot, kidneys badly damaged and heart issues so I’m not sure did that lifestyle lead to this. But he contracted Covid in hospital, symptoms began to show a few days after discharge and paradoxically was more scared of Covid than the risk of infection from the 16 inch scar down the middle of his chest or further complications like being able to shit properly. He is over the worst of covid now but its maddening to think you could be in hospital for something serious and nearly be guaranteed to get it. He lives on his own and needed help with dinners and shopping and things like that so my mother and her sisters were looking after him and never got it thankfully.


Hold firm guys, the next two weeks are crucial.

We need to flatten the curve.

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We’re all in this together.

There are aspects to lockdown that absolutely suit me as well. Our freedom shouldnt be easily scoffed at though. Vaccine passports are not good news for anyone. All of these measures are not temporary and further infringe on peoples rights.

The likes of the auld masks and social distancing are locked in already. Have either made any difference - they have in their bollocks.

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It’s all over guys. I was sent a video today of a shebeen with a number of people I knew in it.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @thedancingbaby :smiley: