Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Gemma and co will feast on that one.

I absolutely do.

Israel is a cunt of a country and not a template for anything.

Ireland is in the EU. Not the middle East.

I don’t get what you’re trying to say here.


Time will tell mate.

Varadker has already admitted its coming here.

What’s coming here? Israel?

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Israeli women are fine in fairness.


that passport will come here
let just say i know of ahem at least two major tech multinationals who love the idea and are pumping cash into it
its a scandalous prospect imho but thats the way society is gone
its far from an israeli idea as well… again as ive said before they love the whole idea of taking the lead on something… its on the way

Vaccine passports for travel, restaurants, going to work potentially.

Its gas how lads who pertain to be so liberal about everything, have no bother throwing away everyones freedom of movement. It really is.


Will you protest it?


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Where does it say that?

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I might join you on that one.


I’ve had enough.

That was a conspiracy theory 8-9 months ago. There has to be some push back or we are facing into the abyss here.

You’ll probably need one of Regina Doherty’s illegal identity cards to get it too.


I wouldn’t have a problem with that if that’s the way it will be.

No, not many watched the superbowl.

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It’s a vaccine passport now, itll be an all encompassing health passport within a few months or years. Bill and klaus will want everyone to have one and that’ll be that. There’ll be some collateral damage of course, a few dead, maybe a rise in autism cases which only the impolite will mention etc.
It’s an enforced fundamental change in what we consider basic human rights and I wouldn’t be surprised if force was met with force.

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Reminds me of a job I was in years ago, two staffrooms, one smoking and one not. The smoke free one was as dull as fuck, whereas there was great crai with the smokers.
Those of us who remain vaccine free will be having all the craic.