Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Its happening :hugs:

200+ cleared out of GCD drinking outdoors today, drink confiscated and all.

They might end up all just drinking indoors together at parties but today we sure showed Covid. :grin:

Academics canā€™t handle the real world.

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Game on sister

Fuck the border counties basically.

It seems teachers canā€™t either


Disappointing that the Gardai seem to have left their sensible approach behind in the last few weeks. People will not believe the levels of insanity that has prevailed here in a few years time. Talking to a Swedish colleague on Friday who was heading off on a skiing holiday next week. A Spanish colleague who is still able to dine outdoors during the day. Weā€™re locking down until summer while the rest of the world is opening up in whatever way they can gradually. We are governed by cowardly idiots.


As a firm LIDTF advocate, Iā€™m hoping youā€™re changing your tune here @Copper_pipe mate.

Iā€™m zen.


Up the kingdom. Lets see the rebels top that

The Kerry lads only really get going when they are fighting their own

Tralee verse killarney in a getting a head start on the big wigs in Dublin. Box office

The might of the British Army and the full diplomatic resources of the EU havenā€™t been able to solve the Irish border but a few nerds whoā€™ve never heard of Lionel Messi have all the answers.


There is an awful snobbery funnily enough that south Kerry people tend to have vs North Kerry.

Never really understood it myself.

Theyā€™re all cute hoors for the most part.

I hope the good people of Kerry support this.


Both of them?

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The unwavering confidence of Killarney people can only be admired.

These people are being extremely selfish and putting profit before peopleā€™s lives.

Or when thereā€™s a few Bob in it

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