Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Looks like theyā€™ll have the mandatory quarantine in place for the next pandemic.

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Iā€™m having a house party next weekend to celebrate the end of the next 2 weeks.

Haway the jocks.

2 more years, 2 more years.

We will burn down the village to save it

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The problem was never us Paul.

Paulā€™s grasp of the figures is a little suspect

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Its up to the country to reopen itself.

Time to get it done.

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Germ theory followed by penicillin I would argue was #1.

Anyway, TB is still a thing and infects about 10 million worldwide and kills up to 2 million a year.

yeah i know all that FFS but its got nothing to do with the effficiency of the health system or public services
what goes on in gaza and WB with the palestinians and settelers dosent influence day to day life for the vast majority of the population even all the arab population who by and large are indifferent to it like most others in the state.
what is interesting is how such a public service can be mainatained given such large elements of society ( arab women and religous men ) do not work so pay no tax,

for a country of our size it is a releavant comparison
but the bottom line is just the efficiency of public services

The discussion was about public policy on vaccines, state surveillance and whether thereā€™d be requirements on people for access to daily life. I donā€™t see that Israel is in any way comparable to Ireland at all. Itā€™s politics, policies, decision making, structure of society and itā€™s basic ethics are so far from Irelandā€™s. To be honest I think itā€™s about as close a comparison to Ireland as North Korea.

Thatā€™s the truest thing youā€™ve ever written :rofl:

WHAT?! We need a hard lockdown to flatten the curve, and daily updates on case numbers.


I dont see how the EU public policy on vaccines will in any way different to Israel- how do you think it will be different?
w,r.t an app that tracks people being vaccinated I wholly disagree with that (i disagree with mandatory vaccination as well for folk who are young and healthy as well - it should be personal choice but thats my opinion) - however you can be damn sure that is coming to the EU.

regarding the structure of israeli society I dont see how it is that different to any western country aisde from the growing influence that the haredim are having under the current PM that is the major cause of social unrest- you have the exact same issues that we have here - you have wealthy, poor, etcā€¦
in what way do you think the societal differences (if any that you are aware of) between Israel and say a European country impact the ability to distribute vaccine or enable this app that we will see here soon?



Me and Rascal just back from the playground there. There was a great turnout, like a pre covid Saturday or Sunday. A few of the regulars had a chuckle at the expense of the man about how great it was to be getting paid to watch their kids having such fun. We even supported the local coffee shop with take away beverages and snacks. Iā€™ll shuffle a few virtual sheets of paper now until 5.

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Great sport in my wifes neighbourhood ladies whattapp group over the past couple of days. Mostly an elderly crowd and some newcomer posted an anti vaxx article completely out of the blue, a couple of people took exeption including a prominent Doctor (one of the top in the country in her field i believe), another medic took the view that it is no harm to be open minded and recieved a bit of a backlash, nice bit of passive aggresive cut to the proceedings, both of the ā€˜trouble makersā€™ resigned this morning but not before posting lengthy parting shots.

Usually itā€™s used for posting missing pets and dodgy characters hanging around by Mrs xxxxx wall etc.

I donā€™t suppose your missus is on that @Julio_Geordio