Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Obviously those you deem trouble makers will now need an outlet. Has this noble forum been suggested? Weā€™re in dire need of some contrarian influencers as weā€™re reduced to recycling worn, cliched oulā€™ guff.



I genuinely lolā€™d there

Did your wife try to act as peacemaker or just put the feet up and laugh away? Women be mad when they get going. All fake niceties usually

Thereā€™s over a hundred women in that group, my missus would have left long ago if she could slip away unnoticed

She sent a nice private message to one of the women involved who sheā€™d be fond of

She should, they sound a right bunch of wankers.

Iā€™ll never understand this ā€¦women are desperate for staying in groups that they have no interest in

No Surprise to see my own county being one of main culprits in not staying within 10Km from home. :grinning:

A load of pretentious Caherdavin cunts the cities answer to Adares full of shittery.

SCR, are you paying any attention here at all? :rollseyes:


Sure a third of the population probably need to travel 10k to get to tesco or wherever ffs. Not to mention all the essential workers

6 billion :eek:


@glasagusban you still havenā€™t replied to any of the questions above.
just wondering was there an issue

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The UK have announced their lockdown release plan. They expect to be back to normal by June 21st. Looking at the rate of vaccination that would suggest Ireland opening up next September.

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Thereā€™s no talking to some lads here kidā€¦ Weā€™ve been telling them for the guts of six months it would be next August at the earliest.


I thought they were a load of shite so I didnā€™t bother.

Just in time for the Picnic and the World Ploughing :heart_eyes:

Boris has thrown down the gauntlet, a clear plan with defined time lines to end restrictions. We will get a new plan tomorrow consisting of a mish mash of phases, that can be cast aside at any stage with no defined dates and no deadlines by which they might be held accountable.