Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

We shouldn’t be far behind them really, we’ll be doing a million a month by summer. I haven’t looked at any numbers or worked anything out at all, but I’d say we couldn’t be more than a month or two at most hitting the same percentage of people vaccinated.



A collection of ifs, buts, maybes, new variants, overarching, efficacy (the new buzzword) without a hint of positivity or hope, just more fear mongering and doom spreading.


Pubs close cases explode


so then there are no valid reasons why a comparison between Ireland and Israel should not relevant in terms of dealing with this pandemic and the response to same.

you certainly have not presented any yet…

I’ve already listed the reasons. You can back over them there if you like.

Apparently it’ll be as below

Outdoor dining for up to 15 people from Tuesday May 4th

Pubs serving food can open from June 8th

Pubs that don’t sell food can open from the first week of July.


Is that for us mate?

Aye. From a somewhat reliable source.

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Nightclubs in UK open the 21st of June

So it’s BBQs at home for the May BH weekend.

Some political journo leak receiver today on radio one said there won’t be any dates. Hard to see how they can have a plan without them :man_shrugging:
Unless they using some other measurement

Time to rejoin the commonwealth.

I’d buy that for a dollar

This food in pubs obsession is bizarre


I think it just means that’s when indoor restaurants open and they can’t distinguish between them and food pubs.

It’s an anti-alcohol measure rather than anti Covid

Why they cant have some sort of time limit or capacity limit to give the “wet pubs” (please God that term dies out quickly) some chance to do is a business is madness. As @TheUlteriorMotive suggests, that looks much more like an anti-alcohol measure that an anti-COVID one

My 10-day vacation on the south Wexford riviera commences on Tuesday 4 May. I kinda knew, if they were loosening any dining/drinking restrictions, they’d wait until after the bank holiday. Your source better be right.