Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Anything on kids sports?

It’s certainly not a pro alcohol one but are pubs with food not just technically restaurants?
If Tony is so anti alcohol it doesn’t make sense that there hasn’t been one covid related curb on off licenses

The tax on alcohol is paying the bills.

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@Copper_pipe on the ball as usual.

Talk to me about construction and inter county travel. What have you got?

But that doesn’t tally with how strict they’ve been on pubs and how this is supposedly fuelled by Tonys puritan hatred of alcohol

They held their Anti-Alcohol conference on March 9-11 last year. Hundreds flying in from all over the world and no social distancing in operation.

But, but, but, Cheltenham…


We are where we are and I’m alright jack

Fuck Cheltenham. This is all their fault.


A glass of wine or a beer with a meal is civilised.

Ten pints less so.

The meal and limited stay time and earlier closing time are hardly Covid related. The virus does not care how late it is. The measures are designed on basis that people will be less likely to go and get pissed.

Was there ever a time you could drink outside in a beer garden without a meal. That’s surely safer than inside with a meal?


The reason is because lots of restaurants trade on pub licenses.

you did not.
you provided a vague list of things that may be different such decision making, structure of society and policies but failed to provide any reason or evidence to show reasons why a comparison between the two countries is not relevant.

When will this be confirmed?

Have we a list of the irrational fears we’ve gone through?

  • Bulgarian fruit pickers
  • English tourists
  • Nordie building workers
  • Texans
  • Imaginary tourists flying into Dublin airport
  • Fellas drinking on Dame Lane
  • Dubs in general

And now it’s Brazilians. I mean how many Brazilians could possibly be flying in here, and why the fuck would they even want to

Meanwhile actual places you catch covid

  • Nursing homes
  • Hospitals

Both run by the state.


When the twitter mob have moved in that direction

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When we’re down to <10 cases a month


Can I have an update …Where are we at ? Is it still all the foreigners fault ? Or have we acknowledged Paddy is a needy prick who has to be in a group …

All of the above

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school children was the most ridiculous one of all

Millions (milluns) and they are here to spread their infested fluids among us