Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Better than the day they got out of the last plan

Change the odd few words to try to convince the teacher you did it yourself


Need to keep an eye on what Denmark are doing too…


I’d say they’d a plan ready to go before Boris threw the cat among the pigeons yesterday.

They’re now scrambling around frantically trying to figure something out.

The prick is after putting dates on his plan!! Dates? Dates!!! Fuuuuuuuuuuuccccckkkkkk fuck fuck fuck


Its too windy to be bringing out a plan today, best postpone it.

And he’s getting lambasted from the Tories about being so careful in the re-opening.

Has Champ tried the “the dog ate my copybook” excuse yet?

He’ll have two flash cards with the words “cautious” and “conservative” on them. He’ll bluff the rest

Oh baby cc @mikehunt


Number of people in hospital with Covid down to below 700 for the first time since early January. A 4% reduction since yesterday, a 19% reduction since Tuesday of last week.

Positive news, I’d expect the mainstream media, HSE, NPHET and government to lead with this news later…


@mikehunt was right all along, you just needed to be patient. I’m delighted for you bro.

Paddy needs to look at thier notebook before submitting. Move around some words to fool turnitin

They’ll relax the 5km before Easter I think. That’s the one that rooral Ireland hates and it’ll be a sop to the country and western Government backbenchers. Maybe no specific date on it but some half commitment on it.

Construction and schools to open throughout March and this to be treated like an achievement.

Outdoor meet-ups from Easter- so no real change to what most are doing already. If they have any smarts, make sure things like lawn tennis are opened from Easter.

They’ll have be studying May bank holiday for things like non essential retail, outdoor dining and personal services. That’ll be 3 weeks on from the Brits. The U.K. plan is actually very conservative, they’ll be up the walls demanding it’s moved forward. Our lot maybe have 3 weeks grace from their reopening dates given the pace of our vaccine rollout.


Its grand that we can sit here and have a laugh… But it’s tragic if you really think about how and who runs the country. FML.

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When will the barbers open? Enough is enough

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I don’t know anyone that is observing the 5km.

It’s farcical.

I regularly smash it for non essential but very low risk journeys.

I agree but there will be people adhering to it & for people down the country it is more of a perceived hardship for little reward. Similar to how urbanites like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy can’t play the Covid safe game of lawn tennis.

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I want a meaningful haircut

I want a Zero fade :sleepy: