Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Bollox. Wrong thread


@Batigol can’t breathe

The new normal.

Meanwhile they’re going mad in the UK booking holidays.

I’d imagine that lad was doing more than just going to Tenerife

Bravery in the face of State thuggin’!!

Christ above man, have some dignity!!!

Will they be able to get refunds when the 4th wave hits in the summer?

Southern European countries will be accepting tourists with a negative test or alternatively with a vaccine certificate, without restriction this summer.

There’s also the European traffic lights system and after a long lockdown and with significant numbers vaccinated it’s likely most of Europe will make it down to the green list again, probably by mid-summer. This is important because it’s a European agreement the government has signed up to, we can’t restrict travel from green zones.

As far as I can see people will be going on holidays and there’s pretty much nothing the government can do about it.


You’re right… From what I read most hotspots will only allow people in with vaccine passports tho, so those adamant they won’t be getting a vaccine won’t be leaving this island for a long time.

Government here announced overnight that incoming visitors do not need to quarantine if they have proof of vaccination.

RTE will still make a big issue out of it

They will. They need to be taken to task on it.

My god there’ll be variants everywhere

Ok, that’s completely wrong, stop making things up, it’s not fair on gullible types like @Horsebox.

It’s the pandemicological equivalent of firing your car keys into the ashtray

Rte will be 100 percent in favour of vaccine passports. I Have no doubt about it.

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The risk to a Return to normal is the medical junta are allowed to insist on ongoing restrictions because under 18s won’t be vaccinated for quite a while, a certain cohort won’t take up vaccinations and some people
cannot be vaccinated.

Holohan approach on vaccines against WHO and our own expert committee advice has now been exposed as flawed by UK real world

I’d expect pressure is applied now to change vaccine approach to what UK has done in spacing out vaccines and using AZ on older people


Are we publishing a plan today that will be out the window in two weeks when the J&J vaccine is approved?


The UK have handed their homework up and got an A… Paddy needs vindication.

It just shows how we’re completely making it up as we go.

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Our lads were probably just scribbling Down Boris plan from yesterday.

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