Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Drawing the schools and childcare/early years services reopening out over the period of 5 weeks is very transparent.

“We can’t do anything else until we see the full impact of the schools reopening.”

That takes them from now up to the Easter holidays.

Allowing some outdoor meet ups with more than 1 other person and a return to sport/hobbies in pods or whatever (especially for children) would be easy wins now and relatively safe. It might actually encourage people to stick with the other less palatable stuff for longer, while the vaccines are being rolled out.

As it is, the complete mismanagement of things allied with contradictory statements and a series of leaks has meant that compliance has broken down to a large extent already.

There’s been a few mentions that they don’t want to put formal dates on things because people see a date in the future and start doing the stuff straight away. That may have held in lockdown 1 or 2, but they’ve had long enough to get it right at this stage.

If anything, not putting dates (or parameters like numbers in ICU) on things is making people say…fuck this, I’m doing my own thing. I know that was the case for us in booking our holidays in May.


Martin was going on about enhanced contact tracing the other week. He has decided to become a Super Covider. NPHET and himself do not want to commit to Zero Covid because they know it’s not achievable but want to use pretty much all the same tactics there on society to keep Covid low as the public can’t accept mortality.

The public are fickle though and as you say, want freedom too. The proportionate response to these two competing aims is to go for outdoor activities like you say and level with people on them still having some risk, even if a lot lower.

I haven’t gone beyond 5k … I haven’t had to tho. B&Q is 4.9k , that’s the furthest I’ve had to go.

The schools reopening last autumn was grand. It was the meaningful Christmas that fucked things up.

It’s not 4.9k as the crow flies pal, maybe in the car it is.

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So it’s what, 2.5 as the crow flies? Unreal…

You could head all the way down to the Ferry and the filth couldn’t lay a finger on you…

If nightclubs are coming back then social distancing is gone?

My gaff is just outside the boundary so I can sleep easy knowing my house wont be broken into now.


It just shows that when you live around affluence and civilization how you don’t need to travel too far from home at all. You’d feel for the shit kickers who live out the country

Yep. All limits on social distancing would be lifted.

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Just be careful when you are going to Dino’s, that’s inside his domain :eyes:

I wouldn’t be caught dead on the Northside… eewww

I treated myself to a dinner from the Beer Garden at the weekend. Savage altogether.

Yeah, the state of them with their clean air and cheap houses

I’m not on the northside :roll_eyes:

I often wondered what that would be like alright. An unrale feed I’d say.

If you’re not within 5k radius of RoCo you’re fucked.

The houses are cheap for a reason pal.

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I was talking to a friend on the phone last night, I think he’s having a complete mental breakdown, Tassotti-level. He just doesn’t understand how Ireland is the worst country in the entire world for vaccine roll-out Tank, the worst country in the world for fucking everything, every single metric. Everything in the country is a kip. Tony Holohan is a fucking creep Tank, he couldn’t even say he was sorry to the cervical check women. Holohan should be in prison. Fucking housing minister has introduced some new rules and they say it’s going to actually increase the cost of housing! Every politician just supports the status quo, which is about keeping the rich rich and the little man down and everyone just accepts that. We won’t even get going to Connemara for our holidays this year, we’ll be stuck camping up the top of Bragan Mountain. If we’re lucky. You know this country just needs a fucking dictatorship is what it needs! Sort it the fuck out!

He has no craic himself, not one single exciting or interesting thing has happened since Christmas. Fucking nothing Tank.

I asked him if he wanted to meet for a few cans and he said no, not until the restrictions are eased. My friend is overweight and has been shitting his pants over Covid since day one. If I can’t meet him face to face and he’s an insufferable bollocks to talk to over the phone then I don’t know what I can do for him.

Is that representative of the national mood?