Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

what would those look like?

There was no vaccine in March

What is “the bigger picture”? That you can play God, can say incontinent elderly people (as per earlier post) are expendable, can accept risk on other people’s behalf?

You have not got a jot.

Which functional health services haven’t required the help of lockdowns in Europe or America?


You’re talking about hypotheticals here. What is proven is that lockdowns simply have not worked.

Check up the definition of insanity.

check up the definition of required

Our CMO will be happy with that

I know what required means.

They chose to lockdown. They had a decision they could make.

Why does the Free State not go into lockdown every winter with 700 waiting on hospital trolleys?

because the situation isn’t as grave as it is now.

Bingo. You aren’t independent in this. You have an agenda

How so?

That’s guesswork.

It’s not. We’re in a pandemic.

Lombardy and New York were not figments of your imagination or dreamed up by malcontents. The virus wreaked havoc and people died unnecessarily because they couldn’t receive health care.

That isn’t guesswork. That is fact.

Is that your slogan?

700 lying out on hospital trolleys doesn’t matter then? What is it? Flu? Ah fuck them.

The Aussie flue wreaked havoc in 17/18. Who gives a fuck about anyone who died from flu though eh?

Lombardy and New York…

ah fuck it? They’re only old and infirm (they aren’t) fuck them. seems to be your slogan

You seem incapable of understanding that we are in a pandemic.

A lot of the hospitalised people don’t know they have the virus it would appear

Why didn’t you care in 2018 when the flu was rampant and going around killing everyone.

50k excess deaths in the UK associated with it, 700 people lying on hospital trollies in your state.

It’s only flu though right?

They’ll be chalked down as Covid deaths regardless of whether it was the cause of death or not.

what are the reasonable restrictions you mentioned but conveniently sidestepped when pressed?

Level 3 was working fine.


Social distancing, masks, hand hygiene, limited numbers allowed at events etc. How we lived during the summer months.

I don’t think many have. Sweden would be the closest. You will point out that Sweden now think they should have more restrictions and then continue to ignore the fact that countries that had much more restrictions than Sweden have done much much much worse than them and stick your fingers in your ears and shout about Finland.

There are many factors at play here and nobody knows about why different places are being so badly hit and others aren’t. Population density and profile seems to be the most plausible one but hasn’t played out that way everywhere with western countries seemingly doing way worse than the rest of the world. There’s probably something in that too.

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Have we a winner yet lads?

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