Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

When lads start going to club med, benidorm, Santa ponsa and the likes

An e hug would be nice

We didnā€™t drink in houses as a rule. Just wasnā€™t a thing. As an exception to that rule a flat mate came home from Greece one night as I was staggering in from the Hut. He had a bottle of gin for the mother and two bottles of Greek white wine as an offering to the girlfriends mother in law. One thing led to another and we drank the lot that night, drinking the gin neat. I was as sick as I ever have been.

Other than that it was all drinking in pubs. Weā€™d drink a fair skinful in fairness. Weā€™d have the odd half one or a whiskey Mac if we were in Tom Mahers. Myself and the flatmates would have a tequila in the Hut every Christmas. There was a big drinking culture in the GAA at the time. We probably wouldnā€™t drink after Tuesday training but it was always into the Sheds after Thursday training and a cycle home. The league matches in Dublin were on a Sunday morning, so a few pints after the match, then into the Chicago Pizza Pie factory or Captain Americas where you could beat the Holy Hour by having a garlic bread and a pitcher of beer and then down to Mulligans of Poolbeg Street.


There has hardly been a sniffle in school these past few months. Itā€™s down to hygiene, sanitization and use of PPE. Thatā€™s why schools are considered ā€˜safeā€™ as they are a controlled environment. This is mirrored across society. Thatā€™s why flu has not been around this year and why comparing hospitalisation from one year to next is a moot point as you are not comparing like with like.


In our house eldest had practically no symptoms the missus was flattened for a week only up and about the last few days but still gets tired easily

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Over in Boston weā€™d have an ice cooler full of beers in dressing room after the match. Then off drinking for rest of day, night and weekend.


Yeah the hygiene and social distancing has played a big part and weā€™ll see much lower infectious diseases from now on I suspect.

Weā€™re also not doing PCR tests for flu.


Much the same in Gaelic Park which came with the additional benefit of a bar in the bottom left corner.


Did you ever play in Dilboy Stadium in Boston?

No. Played no GAA in Boston.

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Thereā€™s none

Thats the key point. There could be 100,000 people on Irish trollies in any one year. Anywhere from 12-15000 people could be on trollies in months of December and January. It is like an overflow really and due to strict protocols because of Covid this is no longer an option.

Whatever happened to the urgent worldwide appeal for emigrant medical staff to return? 3 or 4 million a day would ease a bit of pressure on the health service?

When I worked in Sinnotts in the late 90ā€™s we used to do tag team drinking breaks with them lads, weā€™d head over to them under the Stephens Green loading bay and thereā€™s be a pint of Jack Daniels and splash coke waiting out the back and weā€™d return the favor then in turn. Youā€™d smoke your fag and knock back the pint in 5 minutes flat and no one would even know you were gone. Then on your officiall 15 minute break you had time to even go inside and drink a real pint and some shots. Great times

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When they answered and work fell away some werenā€™t even entitled to a payment

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62 confirmed cases in Drom Iā€™m hearing from a source within the HSE.

West Limerick is riddled.

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What a bunch of cunts.

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No real reason for them not to be treated the same as other workersā€¦the kids follow a standard curriculum. Let one teacher per subject put together a series of lessons and let the rest get a pay cut, made redundant etc