Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Did George Lee just say the plan is to have 5% of people vaccinated by the end of March?

Thatā€™s very disappointing.


Amen bro.

Yup he should be a comedian. He was delighted saying it

Norma surely has to resign?

She has to go

I canā€™t understand the lack of urgency in getting people vaccinated. At this rate we can write off 2021.

The EU have fucked us.

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My tin foil hat is saying the FFG and NPHET want us in permanent lockdown

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Iā€™ve seen it mentioned a few places now 40 -60% positivity but the swab data doesnā€™t really with that, is there some other metric they are using

George Lee will definitely play down anything positive.


People need to just adjust.

Lads finding it hard to find love? Buy the Farmers Journal and order up a Bride from the Far East. Sorted.

Take up hobbies.

Learn online.

Start a family.

Just get on with things.

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Meanwhile in John Bull country

What percentage of the country is an at risk group?

is there even a sore throat between them?


It took about 2 months to get from 1200 ā€˜casesā€™ down to under 200 before.

How long this time will it take to get back to around 200, even with a vaccine being rolled out at a snailā€™s pace?

Channel 521 you fucker.

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Be faster. Thereā€™ll be no one left to get it in a month

When will we wake up to this.

John Bull had the right idea, get the fuck out