Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

The HSE Covid Hub appears to be broken. May be the reason for the delay in the briefingā€¦


Weā€™ve given up billions and gotten two roads and a couple of jobs for the boys in return for EU membership.

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Marc MacSharry has had a superb Covid

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Iā€™ve no idea but we need to vaccinate a lot more than 5% to have any hope of getting back to normal.

About 20% would cover most in the vulnerable category

Weā€™ll be lucky to get to 20% by the end of the year.

Doing 60k a week, weā€™d be done by May or so. Allowing delays in getting to 60k and the second dose etc. You are talking end of June I reckon. But we should be able to go back to level two or three by the end of March

Thatā€™s hardly correct cc @Copper_pipe


Numbers falling again :clap:

6521 & 10

Is Level 2 or 3 the best we can hope for, for the rest of our lives?

Itā€™s the best we can hope for until June

Weā€™re on our way to being wild animals, hibernating for the winter

The Zero Coviders at ISAG say itā€™s not enough. Restrictions still needed even when the most vulnerable are fully vaccinated.

We need minus Covid deaths to get back to normal life

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Ya but theyā€™ll be told where to go. Once you arenā€™t killing grandad by having a pint we can tell them to go suck a lemon

Donā€™t forget the Potato scandal

You arenā€™t killing grandad by having a pintā€¦

To be honest now, okay.

New standard of life will be as follows.
12 month year gone.
New system will be April through to October level 2 ish.
November through to March level 5 ish. I like to call this time of year the Family time or reflective period for those single.

In 2029 weā€™ll wonder what all the fuss was tbh.

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