Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

It might become a regular feature on the Late Late. 6 done every week will speed it up no end

Until we start resurrecting the Covid dead, it will never be enough.

I won’t continue to live in Ireland if that, or anything resembling that, is ever seriously proposed by our Government

Yeah I’d be thinking the same.

To be honest now, all jokes aside.

If I was in my 20’s without the wife, two kids, 4 bedroom house in the Countryside, lawnmower etc… I’d be out of here in a heartbeat.

Destination? Middle East or Australia.
Not my idea of heaven either of them but you know what your getting there.

A lot of fellas be on the first plane to Australia.

Hit on out to the outback working in the Mines. 10 days shifts of work followed by endless days drinking and riding prostitutes. Good money too.

Covid wouldn’t be bothering you in that part of the world.

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incorrect - please stop misleading the forum.
Schools will not be open in June, this is at least level 4

Hard to get work out there and savage hard work when you get it.

Tip away at something handy in Sydney and drink non-stop


Would Israel be a good destination for a single bloke looking to shake off the dooms of Covid in Europe?

If you can operate Heavy Construction equipment you’re elected.

israel is the only country worth livng in the middle east
They’ll have this sorted by april and will just close their borders , you can go wild over there
The rest of them are horrendous, lads out in saudi or qatar on 15k a month but are working 14 hours a day / 6 days a week after surrenduring their passport and are bussed form work to a gated expat community on a daily basis… might sneak a ride off a nurse from crossmolina and it 48 degrees …horrific lifestyle.
Arab countries are horrendous places, absolute dicatatirships in most cases and there is an element of Sharia in all policing even in moderate ones like Oman… hellholes


Close the schools outright till March. No more uncertainty.
Employ every single teacher and sna as a vaccinator and speed the fuck up.

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sorry pal!
jesus you read my mind
absolutely yes- lifestyle in tel aviv or haifa is incredible- youre totally detached from the news also there as well… the work week does that to you sun - thurs and everything happens so late at night- you’re in a different headspace altogther… the place is hopping 24/7… well apart from that total lull from late afternoon friday to midnight that they call the weekend

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Norma folding faster than superman on laundry day

Stone useless

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It wouldn’t be the first time zee Krauts thought better of coming over here.

I’ve two friends in Dubai living the life of Reilly. They’ve brought up a sprog out there too.

Since Covid hit Eire they’ve no interest at all at all in coming home.