Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Great place to experiment with drugs too I believe.

He may not last much longer than that

ah dubai might be allright id say … from a couple perspective now… live in a nice gated community, kid in the international school. her a nurse, him working in construction, grand
a single lad wouldnt be running wild out there on the streets chasing local women wondering what boozer to hit next tho…


ASTI have fucked this years leaving cert

Sure that’s harry’s life already…except for the bits about the money, the passport and the nurse


What about all the prepping time and online teaching day from 9-4? Be busier than most.

Proper order. Can’t have these super spreaders swanning around Europe.


We’ve broken the back of it again lads. You’re all doing great

Of course we’re past the peak if we’ve decided to just disappear 10,000 cases :grinning:

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Bit of superb marshalling from frau overlords and paddy falls back into line.

No I mean no school at all. Let the kids just be like summer holidays and completely redeploy school staff. This online is complete pricking around at primary level especially.

Exactly, and we’d like to keep it that way.


Welcome back Chucks owl pal.

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Will the continentals ever forgive us for what we done you think?

Are we?

Shur we’re only testing the sick, how about testing the close contacts?

This is far from over.

I see NPHET are now saying the new variant is a big part of the problem. Of course they were originally so keen to blame it on hospitality that they undercut their own argument on travel by saying it wasn’t a factor.

I’m very worried about the travel industry now, it will be a while before we can get rid of the PCR tests. Politicians have been spooked by the newbie strains.

Points ahead to what will happen at the next Pandemic, I’d expect most countries to shut down air travel as soon as there is an issue next time.


Is there a whiff of the Gárdai atin’ snackboxes while conducting breathalyser tests in the back office about this inference? You’d never know of course because no one actually does.

We’re in the endgame.