Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Thatā€™s if you assume the swab numbers are added correctly

Iā€™ve said this before, why are we comparing ourselves with places outside the EU? Theyā€™re irrelevant.

We are part of an EU purchasing programme and we will have a guaranteed supply. Yes it is coming a small bit slower but we have a decent number guaranteed of each vaccine.

The EU is dividing the vaccines purchased between countries on a per capita basis, we all get the same. That means you can judge fairly which country did a good job of vaccination, all 27 countries have equal access to supply and are responsible for their own implementation. Iā€™d say weā€™ll do a shit job anyway.

Sounds like hell.



Those swab numbers didnā€™t seem right at the time, maybe there was a data error.

Up to this week the difference between swabs and cases was on average 2%

Now its suddenly 16%


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As Icy would say. NKFA

Francois is laughing at Paddy and John Bull

Gav saving me a bit of work

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Britain leads the way again

Some lad here with cross eyes and wild hair explaining why the EU hasnā€™t enough vaccine on Prime Time.

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What percentage of travellers are in those places bar rathkeale?

And whatā€™s the story?

Irish politics in a nutshell.

A crowd of mugwumps.

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They were slow ordering and slow approving. I think they backed the wrong horse with a few as well?

There was some craic in a hotel in belmullet Stevens night I hear.

Niall Collins happens to be in heat 9 of the COTY 2020 which goes live tomorrow.

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Iā€™ll defend the great Aodhan Oā€™Riordain here. He said heā€™d support it if the schools were up for it (they werenā€™t consulted) and it was deemed safe (he asked for NPHET to make an assessment of school safety but it transpired Norma & MicheĆ”l didnā€™t involve them). Aodhan is a great guy and a brilliant public rep. Weā€™re very lucky to have him in Dublin Bay North.

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Aodhan went up in my estimation when he went on Prime Time the Tuesday after the All Ireland Final in 2018, defending the Dublin Senior Football Team after RTE tried to hijack the 4 in a row win with some Financial Doping argument.

You are lucky indeed to have him in the North Inner City.

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Niall left his copy at home. ā€˜I donā€™t have it here with me nowā€™. Ffs :grin:

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