Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Darragh oā€™B seems nice

He is the most gormless cunt of them all.


The news reports on special schools would break your heart.

Terrible 2s or not, wankers like me shouldnā€™t be moaning about our toddlers.


Stormont has proved that norn iron isnā€™t big enough to have a government. Maybe the same is true for the republic

Amen to that. Iā€™d love my 2 regardless, but the thoughts of raising a special needs child frighten me. Not the work involved in raising them, the fear of how well looked after they would be when Iā€™m gone.

Government & Unions have failed them miserably and itā€™s a national disgrace.


Sad to see them closing the rugby museum site in Limerick on the news there

Was he struggling to rationalize the numbers and just made any oul shit up

Was she covering herself with a piece of A4?

Great to see the Limerick GAAā„¢ flag flying as they signed that segment off though. Some forum members would get a great kick out of that.

The bailout government Dempsey, cowen, Gormley etc

As the forums foremost covid sceptic/truth teller why do you think the UK and especially the London hospital system is on the verge of collapse?

What do you mean by ā€œcovid scepticā€?

I always thought Donnelly was a spoofer. This vaccine buffer stuff from earlier is absolute bullshit.

A deadly disease at least to the first group to be vaccinated and they are stockpiling the vaccine. Bonkers.

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Whenever anyone begins a sentence with the word ā€˜Soā€™ you know right off theyā€™re a born bluffer

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Sure thereā€™s no rush, we have to get to herd immunity, it would be immaterial anyway

We have to coordinate the vaccine with sunshineā€¦sure the mugs will never know

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With 42000 cases in the last week, which is approx 1%. By my back of fag box calculations of we keep this up the entire population would catch covid in around 8 weeks. Many will die but we wonā€™t have to wait for vaccine. OIUTF


A complete cod the whole thing.

Sure what is another year.

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