Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

You think itā€™s all a cod

It is a cod have you not realised yet

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nobody will die- data supports that
agreed that weā€™ll all get it or probably have or had it - who the fuck cares


No. In my exchanges with the highly respected @Malarkey I acknowledged that it was serious, and i put forward a number of measures that I thought would be more appropriate and more effective than masks and lockdowns.

I wouldnā€™t have shared the invermectin news with the forum if I thought it was all a cod.


People are dying mate - suicide and overdoses are through the roof.

They donā€™t count though in this new normal.

Everyone will die. Tubs confirmed it. Covid is an unmerciful killer

I thought it was too till I watched a section on whatā€™s happening in England on fox news there. Apparently theyā€™re fucked. 1300 died today and hospitals full to bursting yer man on fox said.

Itā€™s awful. They should be able to work around it to accommodate them. Similarly on the swimming pools, there should be allowances made and specific sessions (1 or 2 in pool for 20 mins). Had my young lad swimming over Christmas a good bit for something to do and loads of kids and their carers there getting great use out of it. I canā€™t remember who said it here that swimming pools are great outlets for some of the kids.


I think it was @ChairmanDan

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After being through it in our house and all well thankfully plus the fact we were responsible and didnā€™t expose anyone else we just said to
Each other this evening thank fook thatā€™s over Iā€™m sure like most here we have gone through the last 10 months etc a bit in fear of it. Now we are like we canā€™t do anything or go anywhere but thereā€™s definitely a bit of onwards and upwards feel here tonight. That said keep safe everyone and weā€™ll all be out the gap soon.


Well said

what the fuck are you on about??
this is it nowā€¦there is no ā€œthings are looking upā€ā€¦didnā€™t you hear leaving certs were almost on the verge being marched to their deaths next week.?

look. im happy the whole thing was utterly harmless for all concerned in your house but letā€™s face itā€¦it was always going to beā€¦
but ā€¦letā€™s be realistic here.
the country is now been run by fear mongering zealots who thrive from the oxygen general public gives themā€¦ people arenā€™t dying from fkijg covid. they are dying as the man says above from their businesses livelihoods and way of life been crushed to facilitate this nonsenseā€¦some fella last week wrote here ā€œpeople are shitting it now with the casesā€ as if death was imminentā€¦thats where we are nowā€¦people are shiiting it because schools are done till September, families are killing each other and fellas canā€™t pay the mortgageā€¦not because of some imaginary death cult

but ah shurā€¦we ll be off to Ennis in Mayā€¦ letā€™s bleat that nonsense in January whilst retreating under the bed


Thatā€™s what this country needs. Spit, fury, righteous indignation. Iā€™d say joe kernans half time team talk when the lads from the orchard county dispelled the Kerry stroll into croke park/kingdom myth would pale in comparison.
Good man yourself.

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The hospitals cannot cope

That seems to be the case. Meanwhile a sizeable proportion of staff are absent due to a discredited pcr test while staff and millions are being fed into private testing companies etc. Thereā€™ll be a public inquiry eventually, but questions need to be asked now.

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Agreed. What questions precisely?
Maybe we could save them the bother of an inquiry and get it all sorted here on TFK

Where in the world have lockdowns and masks worked. Why are healthy staff being isolated etc. At what point does testing and tracing stop etc etc. What alternatives and additional measures are being consumed why isnā€™t @glenshanein chargeā€¦

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Some cutting edge questions there in fairness. The LIDTF crew wonā€™t know what hit them Iā€™d say

shur they couldnā€™t cope last year either

get a hold of yourself man ffs

You are saying the hospitals are making it all up?
Maybe you are right, maybe they need to get a hold of themselves