Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Thatā€™s only the start. Antibody testing is cheaper than pcr testingā€¦it would allow people back to work and help understand spreadā€¦why not? The idea that cavan and donegal were so bad is strangeā€¦it was probably due to bad testing or bad hospital treatmentā€¦

not at allā€¦but its not exactly a story we didnā€™t hear last year or the year before

Itā€™s a cod. A cod of such epic proportions that the people that have gone along with this joke have to find ever more ridiculous justifications to continue this charade. People like @tonyholohan @mcdonkey @mikehunt @Malarkey @padjo make me sick.


Gods make their own importance.

But my heart goes out to any family unit in that situation.

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My understanding is that hospitals are indeed at breaking point, not because of covid directly, there are less people on trolleys than usual (and while elective procedures have been cancelled they always are around this time of the year). They are under pressure the same as they always are in a system lacking the capacity to cope.
But whatā€™s killing them is staff being close contacts and having to isolate. They are seriously short handed. They closed a ward in UHL the other day because they didnā€™t have the staff to man it.
Think about that for a second, complaining about capacity and closing a ward. Meanwhile there are supposedly thousands of qualified people who answered the HSE call out, retired nurses, nurses whoā€™d packed it in, people who came home etc etc. But thereā€™s so much red tape around getting them back in the system itā€™s basically impossible to hire them, those that have got through the process are being told theyā€™ll be hired through third party companies on shite contracts with no job security or guaranteed hours.
Meanwhile weā€™ve written another blank cheque to the private hospitals.


This wasnā€™t true up until the middle of December, a myth of sorts, I donā€™t want to get into a row but the stats donā€™t back it up, have you something solid on it?

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There havenā€™t been any stats released on suicide last year yet have there? The CSO only release them at year end for some reason

There have been a number of studies done on this in countries that have locked down, I was looking at it a while back, to date there doesnā€™t seem to have been a significant increase in suicide anywhere,
I donā€™t wish to make light of the mental health problems caused by this but I donā€™t like suicide ā€˜statsā€™ being used in this way


This fella, who seems vaguely familiar, has been putting up the odd tweet on his experience since catching covid, sounds like heā€™s getting pretty rough and apparently a fit man. They say if you start to deteriorate after Day 10 you are in trouble.

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Owns a few horses with Tom Gibney and John McConnell


Agreed. There doesnā€™t appear to have been a huge bump in suicide.

There is a hell of a lot more to mental health issues than just suicide stats though. A lot of people that I know have said there are feeling down/bored/ sick of it etc. Lockdowns are ruining a lot of peopleā€™s quality of life

Number of confirmed cases in hospital up to 1285 from 1151


Iā€™ve seen the total unofficial suicide stats from 2020.

I can confirm, based on the same comparison of 2019 data, that there has been less suicides in 2020 than 2019.


Ffs tracksuit. Youā€™re insisting on stats to ā€œback it upā€ because you dont like to see stats used in this way, while making some vague reference to a supposed report you supposedly read to make your argument.
Sanctimony, hypocrisy and bullshit in the space of a few lines. You were made for a career in politics.


Because cause of death takes a long time to establishā€¦crime, misadventure etc all have to be ruled out etc

I would caveat that to reiterate a point I made a couple of months ago.

Weā€™re entering a perfect storm for mental health so please be extra vigilant of the people in your life that are at risk. Similarly what I said before about anyone with the faintest suggestion of fraction of a hint of a cancer issue.

Nothing here has changed. Weā€™ve a hard few months ahead.
Be a leader in your home and community.




@The_Most_Infamous, do you other data on this?