Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

By companies handed million euro contracts with family links to FG.

In fairness, would you ever cop on and calm down.

Are you genuinely happy for many to die because you can’t hack a couple more months of restrictions? What does that say about you?

We have no choice fear fear fear

If you hung yourself with Covid. Are you a Covid death?

What are you raving about?

OIUTF cornavirus pints. Did I tell you its a cod.

Did I tell you I was piss taking, my original statement was ludicrous

You’re right, I didn’t fully think through what I was saying, it’s the made up hearsay stats that I object to, if there was a frightening rise in suicide for the past 9 months then I believe it’s relevant. I don’t believe that to have been the case

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Steady on now!

I’d take a punt and say the work related and school bullying suicides have abated while the lockdown suicides have taken up the slack.

Clare craig on Twitter was using uk office of national statistics to show the spike in overdose and alcohol related ambulance call outs. They either spiked or skyrocketed, I dont have the exact figures to hand.

Because they test positive, repeatedly in some cases

It’s my belief that Hospital staff aren’t exclusively using PCR tests though…

Keep your Tan News to the proper thread.

Paddy is traipsing along after john in these matters

You are in awe of your betters

My guess (just a guess) is that people are drinking more than before, locked in at home, domestic violence etc etc
This for me is one of the real tragedies but I have I evidence

I think suicide is a very complex issue, something I’ve had (as most people will) indirect experience with in my extended family and friends, I don’t think it’s helpful to use as a tool for any side in the Covid debate, if that sounds sanctimonious I’m sorry


Sure anyone would be in awe of my betters

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No, you sounded sanctimonious when you used an anecdote to criticise others for not using data

I didn’t use any anecdotes this morning, did I?

Ok. Vague dataless allusion to set out your rules on your data requirements

It was something I read in a newspaper, seemed reliable,
I get your point, when I asked the question I was wondering whether the original poster had anything similar or was it purely hearsay, just googling quickly now it appears that there’s plenty of material online for anybody to educate themselves on this