Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

Do you think you’ll still post here when you’re a TD?

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I’ve a relation who is a guard. Said domestics were through the roof during the first lockdown

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quite you , you insolent bastard- didnt you hear people were dropping dead from this disease if they ventured outside their garden…

The sad thing is that for many kids school is the safest place they can be , given that nobody under 85 is impacted by this thing in terms of death one would think the decision to close schools may warrant review.

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The hilarious thing is at the end of this and people are asked about how the government handled the whole thing including lockdowns, schools, protesting the vulnerable and the vaccine roll out many people will shrug their shoulders and say they did a grand job and it could be worse.

Fuck Mayo.


Mayo has fallen.

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That’s about it alright. Viewed back in a year or two a lot of the failures will be lost when a broad view of it is taken.

You’re playing fast and loose with the word hilarious

Maybe they shouldn’t have had a big drinking session on Stephens Day?

They should be thankful Dublin stuffed them in the football

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If only we’d had a lockdown this could all have been avoided.

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We are moving in right direction.

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Very sad case in South Tipperary.

Young lady tests positive for Covid but showing no symptoms she doesn’t make family aware or isolate.
Her Dad is now in South Tipperary Hospital in ICU.

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Open the pubs

If shed no symptoms its highly unlikely that he hot it from her


It’s sound like a story that was made up to create some fear.


A Breda and Nuala special that one

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She was a close contact, tested and positive.

Hopefully her Dad pulls through in case his death was seen as a story to create fear… cc @BruidheanChaorthainn you little rat cunt.