Coronavirus - Here for life (In high population density areas)

I hope so too harry. Iā€™m just saying that itā€™s highly unlikely that he caught it from someone asymptomatic.

Happy to contribute to the 82% negative rate


Itā€™s far more likely the story is made up or somebodyā€™s twisted the story to change the narrative.

Iā€™ve heard about a few fairly worrying stories these past few days myself which has lead me to do a complete 180 on this whole thing.

Iā€™m now firmly back under the bed for the next few months.


Rat cunt.

What do you base that assumption on?

Thats awful. As much as I say its a cod if your told isolate you should. Personal responsibility dont go infecting other people. Hopefully after all this people will do this for the flu and colds

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Zero Covid is our only way out of this


Same covid taste, zero icu admissions.

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Pal of mine had it. Only symptom was upset stomach and temperature. Her husband and children were negative and they all living together not isolating.

Positive swabs have fallen about 40% in just a few days. The 3rd wave is over.

I just read through the past 700 odd posts - the whole country has gone mad. Doctors are fucking milking it - why isnā€™t it a front page scandal that weā€™re the most expensive country in the EU for a test? The hospitals might well be overwhelmed but theyā€™re overwhelmed most winters.

Iā€™ve been talking to people who say ā€œeveryone knows someone who had itā€, especially in Monaghan, but I donā€™t know anyone. Thatā€™s why I was so shocked to hear about @tazdedub 's friendā€™s wife. That was the first case Iā€™ve heard of someone my own age dying.

As for the checkpoints Iā€™ve been pulled over at 8am plenty of times with the car full of my mates and we just say weā€™re going grocery shopping. I drove the whole way across the country twice last week, thereā€™s nothing to be worried about.

I might avoid this thread, too much negativity.


97 days

The vaccine is our only way out of this.

Respiratory viruses spread by causing inflammation which in turn causes coughing and sneezing . the WHO was put under pressure to withdraw their statement that asymptomatic spread wasnā€™t a significant factorā€¦they did so admitting that it just wasnā€™t a factor in the million or so cases theyā€™d studied

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27,585 times 150 euro (approx)

Checkpoint on the way into Howth today.

The latest data from the CDC estimates that 60% of Covid cases come from people who asymptomatic, and of that group 60% infect others before they develop symptoms and 40% never develop symptoms.
This is what makes it so difficult (impossible?) to stop transmission as people are walking around who donā€™t know and may never know they were infected.


This is why itā€™s spreading like wildfire

Exactly and thatā€™s been the issue from the very beginning - people without symptoms spreading the virus. You donā€™t even have to cough to spread it, seems like just exhaling could be enough.

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Correct, along with the fact that a rag around your face doesnā€™t stop transmission to others or getting infected. The only realistic way to avoid it is to stay well away from other people.