Coronavirus - Dig In, It's going to be a while yet

Have you a link for the testing numbers?

Been using Worldometer for the cases per head stats .

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We have apparently tested 6 or 7 times more per capita than UK or US. UK is only testing in hospitals.

The Indo are saying “Tougher lockdown measures on way as death toll rises”


Some unverified twitter comment that a nurse died from it in Ireland yesterday.

It’s important to share these unconfirmed reports to spread awareness.


The seating arrangement of our canteen in work has been rearranged to improve SOCIAL DISTANCING.

Like something youd see at some speed dating event. (I’ve never been Speed Dating btw)

Tables turned lengthways (if that makes sense) and one person sitting at either end of the table. Tables kept 2 metres apart then. If you were any way deaf you’re fucked.

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That post is an awful load of scutter and doesn’t answer the question asked. I’m sorry I read it.


A nurse died.




It was Nurse Maloney.

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What’s app I found to be the most trustworthy

It’s a :skull: trap :pray: for @Copper_pipe

We need to be vigilant in these heightened times. You can see it on here already, not 2 weeks in and people have lost it mentally and are already unbalanced. You need to be able to spot the weaker ones in the heard. These are the ones to be wary of. The ones who need our protection.

I am always vigilant. I am zen.

Empty your inbox

I rearranged the seating in our booths yesterday and fucked two chairs out of the break room too

Wearing my cynic hat (not literally) I could suggest that the only reason we have not gone into full LOCKDOWN is because we haven’t a hope of enforcing it.

Doing it effectively would mean punishing people who break it, arrests, resources etc.