Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

@batigol is going where he’s told in any case

“herself was asking me” :roll_eyes:

Pints = deadly. Pints + pizza = Not deadly


Neil Ferguson had half the western world revved up into a blind frenzy over a pandemic of epic proportions that was going to kill us all if we didn’t hide under the bed. We were subjected to months of Leo, Simon and Dr. Cervical Check talking down us like you would a child. They lied about the rate the virus was going to grow, they made decisions of the back of manipulated data, and these decisions have unnecessarily placed the country deeper into debt.

The kicker in all this, and it is a kicker, is that the past winter-spring season hasn’t even been close to the ‘deadliest’ of the past 25 years. When we look back at all cause mortality as a percentage of population, would this past season even make the top-10. The mid- to late-90s were worse.

Anyone with a functioning brain could see that the vast majority of people that died with Covid-19 were elderly patients that had serious prior medical conditions. There was no reason to suspect they died because of a new virus, and it’s highly probable that the number of people under 40 that died from Covid-19 is statistically insignificant.


Nail on the head

The coronavirus crisis might be temporary, but the agendas behind it are permanent. The war on cash seems to be a fairly obvious one.

Ken Rogoff’s book, The Curse of Cash, called for the complete elimination of cash. The largest note in euros is €200. The largest note in dollars is $100. Digital currencies are getting more and more popular. Among the irrational fears that have permeated into the subconscious due to coronavirus and Covid-19 is the fear that cash can carry the virus and the virus equates to death. If cash goes in favour of digital currency, it’s just a matter of time before we have account freezes and confiscation. Goodnight Irene.



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This makes a lot of sense, as in areas that had the worst outbreaks and deaths they have had no second wave as they opened up, New York, Lombardy, etc. There are a lot more people that have been exposed to this virus than testing suggests, possibly 10X, and most of those people likely have innate immunity from being infected by other coronaviruses in the past.

300 new cases in Lombardy today.

Irish travellers?

Agreed. It would seem to be the new thing to latch onto for the many curtain twitchers in the country. There has been a steady pattern of shrieking about an issue and insisting we’re all doomed if it’s not resolved e.g pubs closing, people using holiday homes, testing capacity etc etc . Then the issue fades and a new one emerges for people to work themselves into a lather over


I thought this one was bizarre for a long time too. But a friend whose family own restaurants told me that the reason that it was brought in was to allow restaurants that trade on pub licenses to open along with other restaurants, rather than out of some nanny state effort ensure people don’t get drunk.

No way? Wait til the press gets hold of this.


Neil Ferguson should be in jail


Your friend is misinformed

Then why not allow pubs without restaurants to open along with other pubs? Problem solved.

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I agree, I’m not defending the decision, I’m just conveying the ostensible reasoning for it.

I was out last weekend in Dublin city centre. Having to book a spot in a pub and eat food puts the kibosh on going on a session - you cannot walk in somewhere en spec, if you are somewhere you have to stay there until your next booking whether it’s good, bad or indifferent, each place you go you’re effectively paying a 9 euro cover charge to get in and then you have to leave and go to another place. It

It’s been effective in stopping lads going on the razz in large numbers because of the rigmarole Involved.

Rightly or wrongly it’s limiting public drunkenness - may all be optics and probably is but there is a political logic as to why they have done it.

More widely and more worryingly it suggests a judgment being applied and it’s no surprise to see medics use this as a Trojan horse to attack alcohol consumption through their middle class prism that a few bottles of wine with a nice meal is fine but not pints with the lads.


Whelan’s is delighted to be returning, to be coming out of musical hibernation, after our covid winter. But we haven’t been sleeping, we’ve been planning on how to make the venue safe for everyone who has the live music bug. We’ve also been working to make sure that we can run shows with safety at the forefront. For the staff, the performers and of course our music nut customers who need their sonic fix. So in the short term, at least, we need to limit our capacity and are only running shows in our main venue. This means that a capacity of 450 has become 88 with all shows being seated. Sales will be by the table, so 2,4 or 6 people at a table.

Sure they aren’t allowed have anyone sing?


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