Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

It’s very plausible that someone on the dole paid taxes for many years also… I don’t think anyone that has been long term unemployed would have the means to take 2 weeks holidays… But someone who might have been recently laid off might… Some on here tend to lump anyone bon welfare into the same bracket tho.

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A lot of supposing going on there. I’d guess people recently laid off would be far less willing to travel while things are up in the air, and there’s plenty of long term cases who go away annually. But you seem to be saying long term dole recipients have no business going abroad, a mature take on it

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It’s not against the law to leave the country but I can’t see how a long term unemployed person could or should head off for two weeks.

Exactly but there’s nothing saying it’s against the law in this measure or restricting movement bar making it a condition for receipt of an allowance

It’s all a damp squib anyway lads. Theres mini outbreaks of the virus happening all over the place. There’ll be no one going anywhere. Chill

It is allowed. It is just “advised against”, it is not actually restricted. Unless you are on welfare there is no enforcement mechanism.

This is beyond awful.

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The truth of nursing homes is akin to murder …

My bro in law works as a carer with Brothers of Charity — They had 2 people test positive - Neither felt sick when covid supposedly hit but both were out sick in December /Jan … no one else contracted covid from them despite them being in close quarters with a lot of people …

Anyway, he was telling me all admin / speech and therapist / some psychologists and other support roles all went missing when the lockdown was called – tonnes of them rang in with one symptom of covid and they were told stay at home yet they all eventually tested negative… this is what happened in many nursing homes also, large sections of the staff just went under the bed - including management - and nothing was done about it from above. - Those that turned up to work were just abandoned.


On one side you have people complaining that the nursing homes weren’t protected.
On the other you have people complaining that those workers who displayed symptoms stayed away.
It was undoubtedly a horrible situation, but the mania that gripped the country saw people genuinely think they had symptoms when they hadn’t (as witnessed by the deluge of people going for tests).


No doubt …

Some just went missing tho - he referenced the speechies in particular - they just upped and left and claimed they were doing stuff from home but little to no evidence – a lot of middle management also did similar. He said it was just mental - people just up and left… It was so widespread nothing could really be done about it but I believe procedures have been introduced since…

Of those ringing in sick, he said they were particularly citing sense of taste was gone - as this was one of the symptoms they had circulated by email — and who the fuck can prove if your taste has gone?


Make them lick a sour lemon and see if they react?


Make them all lick the same sour lemon, they would suddenly be cured then.


Looks to be fizzling out over in England.

its over

But but but, scenes from anfield 2 weeks ago, Bournemouth beach, soho. Where are the dead? Facebook and twitter have lied

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its the same as Ireland, fucking Nigel and Norman on facebook are praying for an increase in cases so they can be proved right, driven demented by young people going to the pub all weekend, this thing is over, we are taking our lives back


Imagine people enjoying themselves and living life instead of being bitter at other people. Coming out from under the bed and seeing sunshine


Lads desperate to get back under the bed just so they can say I told you so.

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Let the lads who want to sit at home rotting for the next five years do so, 99 per cent of people want to start living again

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