Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

OOOOFFFTTTT. Can someone pick the tennis club captain up off the yacht deck?


Stop it

Can’t recall which one but pretty sure I read before if one of the Scandinavian countries shipping off a load of long term unemployed people to Spain for the winter and paying them a living allowance. Worked out cheaper than keeping them over the winter. Don’t know if it is still done

The Swedes send their elderly to Winter in Spain.


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Any link?


They used to send a lot near my old lads place… He used to play pool with a few of them… A number of them ended up becoming winos, drinking cheap wine…

The logic of sending them was that it was cheaper then heating their homes and all the rest for the 4/5 months of winter.

Were they in homeless shelters or what back home. I’d be interested in reading about it but I can’t find anything

I don’t think so, just unemployed from what I gathered

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New lockdown in spain

It’s incredibly unfair that those being paid by the state aren’t allowed leave the country at a time of a non-essential travel ban - are you for fucking real?

Problem in a lot of those places is they are compact old towns.

Should rules apply equally to everyone, or not?

2 weeks holiday.

From the fucking dole


They do. No non-essential travel abroad is allowed

Neither of that is really true either. You can do what you want job or no job. You just have some financial implications. That’s life. And if you’re reliant on the financial support from the state, the state obviously make the rules.

This “two week holiday” thing is genuinely something I’d never heard of. It’s a whole area I’m thankful I’ve never needed to know about. It being framed as a holiday is just a PR issue really. It makes sense that you can leave the country for a short period and not have it affect your benefits(assuming normal travel conditions).


The problem was this post here, there’s no constitutional rights being infringed at all

It’s a wonder he can bring himself to take a pay-cheque from these rabid fascists


I see the usual, I worked hard down the bog all my life, crew giving it the big un.


Again a sensationalist take on it from you. that’s where our taxes go, and it’s borderline ridiculous in this case