Coronavirus - the deadly virus that no one dies from

That’s fucking disgusting — the guards going taking people’s names boarding flights??? WTF? - But when the majority of the country are just willing to roll over and have their bellies tickled why wouldnt the gov pull strokes like that. The likes of @Raylan, @myboyblue and @tallback get hard when ready shit like this.

But he hasn’t seen his partner in 15 weeks!!!

The poor chap.

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What rules?!

That fella sounds like a right whiny bitch. 15 weeks, boo fucking hoo.


Can you take a mental health holiday if you’ve been stuck with your partner at home for 15 weeks?

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I hope you’re rightly outraged by this. It’ll give you something to do with your day when you’re not wearing your mask like a mad yoke.

No surprise that all the establishment shills have totally missed the point here…

You can take one every day. Just stop talking to them.

Some lad on Liveline earlier whose wife had their child benefit payment stopped after she flew to Romania to see a terminally ill relative in June. :eek:

Does the Luas have to wear a mask?

Shur lookit, she new the rules - she should have just gotten on with her life and not spared a minute’s thought for the relative or her family.

40 new cases :see_no_evil:

Back under the beds lads

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I bet some of these new cases will be from last December.

There were people in Ireland in June who couldn’t go to the funeral of relatives who died, let alone the bedside.


The deaths are almost non existent now. Younger people getting it isn’t much of an issue

Project fear factor begins now before the bank holiday weekend

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39 most likely and hopefully symptom free to a large extent @Watchyourtoes

ICU numbers don’t seem to be mentioned at all anymore.

Come on guys we really need to flatten that curve. Ye are a disgrace.